Railway app gives travelers insight into schedules and routes
MyRailApp has earned appsbar.com’s App of the Day award as an example of how ordinary citizens are utilizing the DIY app builder at appsbar.com to create functional, dynamic apps to serve a multitude of purposes.
The mobile app is designed specifically for rail travelers in Indian and offers modules that allow the user to see routes, schedules, and even register for passage on a particular rail. The app is optimized for both iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.
The mobile app is available for download at no-cost through appsbar’s affiliated app marketplace at appcatch.com.

In September of 2013, appsbar added mobile capabilities, allowing users to create, edit and publish apps directly from a smartphone or tablet.
To create an app of your own with the free and easy-to-use app maker, go to appsbar.com. To view and download other interesting new apps for free, visit appcatch.com.