The first generation that grew up with smartphones, digital cameras, and the internet is starting to hit their late 20s and early 30s. The problem with that is, a lot of the age-specific industries have been slow to catch up with the new wave of digital-savvy Millennials that are entering their target-demographics. One such industry, or rather segment of an industry, that has been slow to adapt to the new consumers – at least from the outside looking in – is the baby keepsakes segment. Well, we just came across a Kickstarter project that looks to change this: BabyBook:
BabyBook by CanDoBaby! is an app that gives you a fun guide of countless milestones to track and record as your child grows, an easy way to pair these moments with photos, and best of all, the ability to create a beautiful keepsake — a professionally printed, hardcover baby book. …All without putting down your iPhone!1
I’m sure that some of you remember those old baby books. This is a major upgrade to those. Rather than filling out all those books by hand, and adding in your own pictures, BabyBook sort of guides you along the path. The company already launched a BabyBook beta that was wildly successful. Here, take a look at this video that gives a good look at the project: