As more and more crowdfunding platforms are popping up almost daily, it is hard to find any new or unique approaches. However, ArtStarter really stands out for several reasons. It is only fitting that we came across a really inventive crowdfunding platform at the ‘World’s First Crowdfunding Festival.’
ArtStarter, as the name gives away, is focused on art. The categories of the projects are: Music, Film/Video, Sculptor, Dance, Photographer, illustrator, Theatre, Fashion, Jewelry, Designer, Publishing/Writing, Cultural, Food, Technology, and ArtComic. So art is a very broad term in this sense.
The best description of the platform comes from ArtStarte’s FAQ section:
ArtStarter is a brand new crowdfunding platform that is not only changing the way artists can market to and connect with their audience, it is a one-stop branding opportunity. For art and performing art fans, this is a way to help fund and support the artists that they love. For the artists themselves, ArtStarter can provide easy-to-use and effective marketing opportunities. It’s the power of crowdfunding, now brought to the art world. ArtStarter is changing the way art is funded in your community and by your community. We believe supporting the artist from film, art, dance, music and much more year round. That is why our artists not only do their crowdfunding campaigns, but continue to “live” on ArtStarter.1
The fee structure of the platform is pretty unique as well. If a project is fully funded through ArtStarter, there is a flat 5% fee. However, if the project doesn’t reach the funding goal, the fee is 9%. What’s more, the creators do not have to wait until the campaign is over to collect the funds, they are dispersed as they come in.
We had a chance to speak with Pamela DiMarzio, ArtStarter CEO, during One Spark. We learned a lot more about the kind of creators that are turning to ArtStarter, and some more about the structure of the campaigns.
To vote for ArtStarter, check out their One Spark Creator Profile.
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