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Amazon Phone with 3D Display Said to be Coming This Year

here have been rumblings about Amazon producing its own smartphone for a few years now. However, DigiTimes is reporting the device will be ready for consumers this year

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Walmart to Begin Used Video Game Trade-in Program

On Tuesday, March 18th, Walmart announced that it would begin a new video game trade-in program. Walmart already has - or so their announcement says - the "second-largest market share in the video game industry." The trade-in program could, very easily, propel the company into the number one spot.

By |Gaming, News|0 Comments

Epson Combines Smart Glasses with Myo Armband for ‘Minority Report’ Effect

By combining both the Moverio BT-200 and the Myo armband, some incredible possibilities emerge. The release likened the combination to the film "Minority Report," which seems about right

Don’s Tire Service Has Today’s Appsbar App Of The Day

Berkeley, Ca repair shop has mobile offering for local customers Appsbar has awarded Dons Tire Service its App of the Day honor for showcasing how small businesses are utilizing the DIY app builder at appsbar.com to engage current and prospective customers. The mobile app is available through appsbar’s affiliated app market place at appcatch.com. It [...]

By |AppOfTheday, Apps|0 Comments

Microsoft’s Xbox One To Go On Sale In 26 New Countries In September.

Today the boys in Redmond announced they will be taking their black box to 26 countries including the home of their biggest rival, the Sony PlayStation 4. Historically speaking Microsoft's gaming consoles have never done well in the land of the rising sun (The Wii U overtook the Xbox 360 in overall units sold in [...]

Jony Ive Sheds Light on Jobs, Design, and the Future of Apple

On Monday, Time posted a long interview with Apple's Head of Design, Jony Ive. This interview, conducted by John Arlidge, is an incredible look into the normally reserved designer, and the incredibly secretive company

By |Apple, Editors' Picks|0 Comments

The ACC Launches ‘ACC Sports’ on Apple TV

Just in time for March Madness, on Monday, the Atlantic Coast Conference Digital Network (ACCDN) announced the launch of the 'ACC Sports' channel on Apple TV. The ACC Network will be the official home for ACC highlights - across all sports - and detailed in-depth coverage.

By |Apple, Editors' Picks|0 Comments

Microsoft Release OneNote for Mac, and Makes it Free Everywhere

This is a major announcement for the more than 10-year-old note taking software. While they have been in the game the longest, or nearly the longest, OneNote has lost some serious ground to Evernote et al. in the past few years

By |Microsoft, News|0 Comments

Google Makes Several Major Gaming Announcements

Just in time for the Game Developers Conference, Google has just made a whopper of a gaming announcement, and several other lesser announcements. First and foremost, Google Play Games services will now support Android-iOS cross platform gaming

UNCG Begins a New Online Doctorate of Education Degree

In what seems to be a last ditch money grab before the education bubble bursts, UNCG just announced a new online Doctorate of Education Degree in Kinesiology.