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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

The $99 Moto G And Wireless In 2014

This year we can expect some major changes in the wireless landscape. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is taking a very pro-consumer approach to his role in the Wireless Industry. He's championed the movement to get carriers to unlock phones and make them easier for the customer to take them to another carrier when their contract [...]

Sony Prepares To End Support For Some Key PS3 Titles

With the launch of the Playstation 4 many assumed that Sony would start ending support of previous generation titles. However, to Sony's credit they continued supporting Playstation 2 titles for nearly 7 years after the PS3 was released. Back in November Sony announced that they planned on supporting PS3 titles for many years to come, [...]

By |Gaming, News|0 Comments

Best Buy’s “Showrooming Strategy” May Have Paid Off, For Amazon Too.

Last holiday season Best Buy had a problem. In the fourth quarter of 2012 the company reported a loss over $1.5 billion dollars. That was compared to a net income of $651 million in the crucial fourth quarter of 2011. The root of the problem for Best Buy and other brick and mortar big box [...]

Samsung’s Insane Vision For A Touchable World

Samsung envisions the future to be one full of interactive displays and screens. The walls of your house, your coffee mug, or the windows of your car will all be able to work and act as a display.

Google Most Talked About Company Of 2013

Google was in the news a lot in 2013. From Google Glass to self driving cars, to their forthcoming Google Gem watch everywhere you turned there was something Google-y being reported on. Google also saw a huge spike when the Edward Snowden/NSA stories started breaking. Google also saw a monumental decision concerning Google Books and [...]

CES Preview: ARCHOS Set to Unveil a Smartwatch

In an exhaustive release, ARCHOS - one of the longest standing MP3 player and other portable media (namely tablet) manufacturer - announced that they will unveil a wide range of products at CES, including a smartwatch.

Forget Buying A House Get This Samsung TV Instead For Just $150,000

4K TV's seem to be all the rage these days. With up to 4x as many pixels as traditional HD tvs, these new Ultra HD tvs have the most crystal clear picture that money can buy, and a lot of money at that. Samsung, LG and Panasonic have all turned to Ultra-HD/4K televisions because the [...]

TechFaster Rewind: 5 Tech Stories You May Have Missed Yesterday

We know, we know you're still really busy and don't get caught up with every piece of tech news out there. Well we've started compiling these Tech Faster Rewinds in order to help you get caught up... faster. Just imagine the sound effect of a tape rewinding super fast. If you own an Apple computer [...]

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App Of The Day: Heat Fans

Fans of pro basketball team unite on a mobile platform   Heat Fans has earned appsbar.com’s App of the Day honor for showcasing how members of clubs and organizations can participate in mobile outreach by using appsbar’s no-cost app builder. The app allows fans of the Miami pro basketball team to follow the schedule, results, [...]

By |AppOfTheday, Apps|0 Comments

Reset My Case: Trading Cards for Your iPhone Case

Reset My Case is a Hoboken, NJ company that makes interchangeable inserts for iPhone cases. These inserts allow for a huge amount of flexibility and creativity in the look and style of your iPhone. These inserts are available for purchase in a one-time package, or via a $5 a month subscription. Katy Gardiner, the founder of Reset My Case, shared some insights into the how and why with us.