One Spark 2014

From April 9 – 13, we will be in sunny Jacksonville, FL to bring you coverage of the second annual One Spark Crowdfunding Festival. This year look bigger and better, and there is more than $3.25M up for grabs.

If you are attending and think we should feature your project, feel free to drop us a line Or give us a shout on Twitter

Plexr: Share Content, Watch Reactions [One Spark Preview]

Plexr, a One Spark Creator, has a very strange app, so strange that it may just blow up. Think about it. What did you think when you heard of Snapchat for the very first time? Or Vine? Or Whisper? All a little bit strange, but now they are all at the top of the app stores. Plexr falls into the same sort of category.

OnePressWeb Is Closing The Marketing Loop For Small Business [OneSpark Preview]

There are plenty of tools and SaaS solutions out there for companies with a marketing team, marketing consultant or marketers themselves. But what about small businesses who don't have the time or knowledge to manage their own marketing. In today's busy digital world it's quite possible that a business owner could have an amazing accounting [...]

By |One Spark 2014|0 Comments

Keep Track of Your Kids with NeverWander [OneSpark Preview]

Tampa Bay's NeverWander has begun what looks to be an interesting and useful project. The company is in the process of building both hardware and software to solve the problem of keeping track of young children in a crowded place - amusement park, mall, and the like

By |One Spark 2014|1 Comment

One Spark Preview: Immersed Games

One of the more interesting projects that we had a chance to check out at last years inaugural One Spark was Immersed Games. The company is in the process of building a huge educational MMORPG. Think World of Warcraft or Ultima Online for education.

This Years One Spark Ups Private Investment Opportunities to $3.25M

This year, Khan's STACHE Corp has partnered with six more investment firms - Arsenal Venture Partners, Florida Blue, Healthbox, PS27 Ventures and UE Investors - to up the total private investment opportunity to $3.35 million at this years One Spark