EdTech: Edcite: A Web Platform for Teachers to Create Assessments and Assignments

  It's no secret that teachers and educators have access to a gigantic amount of resources; an unprecedented amount even. Among these resources are teaching aids, and curriculum tools. However, the great majority of these curriculum tools come with pre-made lesson plans, and assignments. It needn't be so stock or pre-fabricated. That's where Edcite comes in. Edcite provides educators with a web-based [...]

EdTech: GroupMooc: Navigate the MOOC Landscape with Ease

     There are countless MOOCs (Massive open online courses) out there. In fact, there are so many that it can be a pain to find one that interests you. However, we recently had a chance to ask Michael Howe a bit about how his company, GroupMooc helps users find the right one. What is GroupMooc? GroupMooc [...]

By |Education, Interviews|1 Comment

Kapu Toys: A Digital Toy Box for Kids

    There are a ton of educational games and apps aimed at young children. However, most of these are just that, educational games. Educational apps are almost inherently work/goal oriented. As such, they not really games; they are more like dressed up math problems. We just came across a company that makes games for young [...]

Interview: Steve Chen The Man Behind GemWhere Smart Watch

Meet Steve Chen the man behind the GemWhere Smart Watch, the best smart watch out there today. We've seen a lot of smart watches so far. Most of them are filled with glitzy cool features, but one smartwatch has stood out as a truly functional piece of equipment that you can wear on your wrist. [...]

Localesh: A Virtual Farmers Market

Update: Daniel Emailed us and told us that: Localesh is actively looking for food advocates to help us sell produce in the SF Bay Area. Earn 20% commission plus discounts and support local farmers. Email: localesh@gmail.com for information.  Also, here is the link for the sales advocate sign up page: localesh.launchrock.com     With all the technology at our disposal, how [...]

ZipGrade: Grade From Your Phone

   Grading is still one of the most time-intensive processes for teachers. Sure, there are scantrons, but you have to have access to the grading machine. Come exam season, you have to fight to get access to the Scantron machine. However, grading just got a lot easier. We had the chance to ask John Viebach about [...]

By |Education, Interviews|2 Comments

Petra’s Planet for Schools: An Into to Social Media for pre-teen Students

       Social media has come to dominate nearly everything. Children are rapidly becoming the most active participants on social media. However, there is no real introduction to the various platforms, no real awareness of the norms. There is no real way to prepare kids for what they might encounter, or how they should act [...]

Learner Bites: Blackboard Minus the Awful UI

       As ayone who has ever used Blackboard can attest, there is much to be desired in such a platform. It is a pain to navigate, nearly impossible to keep up with, and is just an overall bad experience. Using mobile? Forget about checking blackboard. Thankfully, alternatives are beginning to sprout up. One such [...]

Alaskan Company Tackles Project Based Learning With Field Day App

  There are a ton of learning apps out there. Many are good, but more often than not, they just seem to offer the normal learning environment just in a new interactive form. However, we just came across Field Day, a unique new learning app. Field Day incorporates project based learning, and has proven to be a [...]

Piiig Labs: No Mess Science Experiments For Kids

   Being the father of a six year old girl who absolutely loves science, can get, well, a little messy. We've got science kits among science kits among even more science kits. We've ruined just about every decent shirt with volcano eruptions, mixing non dangerous chemicals, and making so many things that bubble up you'd [...]