TREWGripA Cincinnati company has reinvented the mobile keyboard. Traditionally keyboard accessories for tablets and smartphones have required the user to be sitting down, essentially using your device as a “mock’ laptop. When you think about that for a second, it takes away the mobility from the device.

Now typing with your thumbs is easy for some, but thumb crashing when writing long messages, reports or emails can frustrate even the most proficient typist. Well what if you could use the same functionality of a full sized keyboard attached to your smartphone or tablet, without having to take a 15″ keyboard around with you. That’s exactly what TrewGrip does.

bounceit-CESThe TrewGrip keyboard takes the traditional keyboard layout, breaks it apart in the middle (like an ergonomic keyboard) and then turns the keys one quarter turn. So your hands feel intuitively the same as if you were using a full sized keyboard. If you haven’t followed, watch the video below, but the keys are turned and then put on the back of the device. So the 8 fingers you use to actually type words are able to reach the letters they would if you were typing on a traditional keyboard.

TrewGrip doesn’t just increase productivity and make you faster, it also means that you’re not grounded to the confines of a desk or the kitchen table. You can respond to those long winded emails, work on your novel, log a journal, write emails or anything else that requires a lot of typing, without the frustrations found using other keyboard solutions.

We previewed TrewGrip before CES and then we got a chance to spend some time with TrewGrip CEO Mark Parker. Check out our interview below and you’ll understand why we think TrewGrip may be the best thing that happened to the 7″ tablet.
