BoxNotesLast September Box CEO Aaron Levie made the first mention of Box Notes. This new functionality would allow Box’s large consumer and enterprise user base to leverage the cloud storage platform and write, edit, store, collaborate and share notes. The feature was seen as an Evernote competitor, than a Microsoft competitor, then some Google competitor. Yes, Box notes essentially competes with everyone that has some kind of note sharing capability.

The difference of course is the simplicity and usability that Box has baked into their note taking app, the same simplicity and usability that Levie used as a foundation for Box.  Box continues to push itself on the enterprise front and releasing Notes is no different.

The company’s Vice President of Mobile Products wrote in a blog post: We’re built for business. Box Notes is part of Box – so it has the same security, encryption, and sharing permissions that come with the Box platform. The notes you create live alongside the presentations, spreadsheets, images and other documents you already store in Box. You have one centralized location to manage your projects, teams or accounts.”

Box is trying to make their notes app the easiest way to take notes even in a collaborative setting. The app supports live, concurrent editing which lets everyone on the note read and make changes in real time, together. This makes Box Notes a great option when a team is in a meeting either in person or virtually. Box Notes are made automatically available to all collaborators on a folder making them easy to go hand in hand with a project.

Using Box Notes, our team can seamlessly take notes, brainstorm and build on ideas in the same document, at the exact same time – regardless of location. The real time collaboration allows us to quickly create agendas, follow-up on action items, and with new mobile functionality, I can see it allowing us to reduce time spent on email exchanges.” Bob Flynn the IT Manager for community partnerships at Indiana University said.

Box Notes is now available to all box users on the web and iOS users as well. Box Notes will be available for Android later in the summer.