
EdTech GoNoodle Brain Break

When I was in elementary school the first thing we did in the morning was an “eye opener” activity. Some kind of word or math puzzle or problem. The idea behind that was to get our brains working and ready for the school day and ready to learn.  There was really no worry about physical activity though, because my school had both PE and Recess of course this was back in the 80’s.

Today the tables have turned, which is unfortunate for so many students. Schools across the country are focused on testing, instruction and Common Core State Standards. More and more schools are finding less and less time time for physical activity, which is paramount to younger children.

It is recommended that children and adolescents get 60 minutes of physical activity per day. A white paper from Health Teacher Inc, the parent company to GoNoOdle says that even incremental physical activity is good for children. The health benefits to physical activity in children have been well documented. Studies are also confirming that physical activity is associated with improved academic achievement, academic behaviors and cognitive skills.

Unfortunately many schools and school districts are under the impression that physical activity is all or nothing and they just aren’t willing to compromise the instructional time to insure that students get the correct dose of physical activity.That’s where GoNoodle comes in.

GoNoOdle offers students physical brain breaks. These brain breaks are fun and filled with animated characters, screens and activities that even sneak in a little learning as well. Brain breaks are great for the classroom and even for in home use. When you check out our video below you’ll see that our six year old special correspondent Tatum F was starting to get tired after about 4 hours on a huge trade show floor. That’s why GoNoOdle’s Tracy Coats and Tatum took a quick brain break where they learned about food, danced and froze.

Any classroom with a computer, internet connection and projection screen or smart board can utilize the brain breaks from GoNoOdle.

Today’s technology allows more fulfilling and exciting brain breaks. GoNoOdle’s brain breaks are a big step up from taking a three minute break to play “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”.  Teacher’s kids and even experts see the value in GoNoOdle.

“If we spend 10 minutes using GoNoodle, I have found that students are way more productive and way more engaged, which has led to very tangible academic gains.” Lee P a teacher says on GoNoOdle’s website.

GoNoOdle allows parents to sign up for free and have brain breaks at home. They’ve created a wealth of their own brain breaks that involve dancing, moving around, running in place and even interactive learning games. They’ve also sourced and curated brain breaks from across the web like Zumba Kids breaks and other activities. All of these brain breaks are carefully curated making sure they live up to GoNoOdle standards.

EdTech, GoNoOdle, Brain BreakAll of the brain breaks are tracked and kids and classes can earn points for how many minutes they complete.

GoNoOdle also offers a school wide, common core aligned GoNoOdle plus program. In that program the GoNoOdle brain breaks keep kids bodies moving and their brains working on a variety of common core standards.

You can find out all about GoNoOdle here on their website and try out their brain breaks today.