Trakdot Luggage, Holiday Gift Guide, MBIf you travel by air and have ever experienced the frustration of losing your luggage, you know how time consuming, disruptive and worrysome that can be. In can be hours or even days to get your luggage back and airlines aren’t taking care of passengers who’ve lost their luggage quite as well as they did just 10 years ago.

If you lose your luggage it can mean missing an important meeting, being trapped in a hotel room or worse, you may be without your medication. What can be even more disconcerting is when your luggage is lost and the airline doesn’t even know where it is. Now the airline may tell you they’ve located it but hours tick by and still no sign of your suitcases, it becomes clear that they don’t even know where it is.

A new device called Trakdot Luggage, created by GlobalTrac LLC will help you keep a tab on your luggage wherever you are.

TRAKDOT-DEVICE1The device has a small profile but it’s packed with a cellular radio that can let you know where it is by text or email. The device syncs with your smartphone via mobile app so you can see where your luggage is. Now hopefully you’ll see that your luggage is wherever you are. If it’s not you’ll know where it is and you’ll be able to tell your airline’s luggage staff. If you landed in New York but your suitcase is in Albuquerque you’ll be the first to know thanks to Trakdot Luggage.

This is a natural perfect fit for our Holiday Gift Guide. So many people travel during the holidays, that person on your list that needs an uber cool gadget may be able to try it out on their way home from your house.

The best part about Trakdot Luggage is the price. You would expect something like this to cost hundreds of dollars. The hardware is just $49.99 service is $12.99 annually with an $8.99 activation fee, regardless of how often you travel.

Find out more about Trakdot Luggage at