ceramic-ipadCon artists in Ceres California are conning would be bargain shoppers with the latest in the Apple products trick.

According to Geek.com, unsuspecting victims who are hoping to purchase a genuine iPad for just $200 are actually receiving a ceramic panel. The thieves have decorated the panels with decorative apple stickers and a sticker that says iPad. In fact, from a distance it may look like the back of an actual iPad. It’s also approximately the same weight.

However, when the victims get home the gig is up and they find out that they just bought a piece of ceramic tile, and a couple of cords.

The thieves are approaching victims on the street and promising them a great deal on “open box” iPads. According to police the boxes are stuffed with packing peanuts and create an illusion to the buyer. We’re not sure why they don’t pick up the iPad and power it on before they fork over their $200.

If you really wanted a tablet you can get a working Android tablet from nomoreack.com for $59 and a decent model Android tablet for $200 at Best Buy. However, most people know that Apple product pricing barely ever fluctuates, and even used Apple items retain better value than their counterparts. In other words a $200 iPad is just too good to be true, and of course if sounds too good to be true than it probably is.

Also, don’t buy an iPad from a guy off the street or at the flea market.

See what this woman found in her shrink wrapped, iPod box.