
It is no secret that the health tracking/fitness wearable market is becoming extremely crowded. There are so many different offerings, it has become hard to differentiate between products. Further, almost all of the fitness trackers track the same metrics, in very similar fashions. It seems, then, that choosing the best fitness tracker comes down to the little things. Following this selection process, the IRO – from Ironova – is near the top of the list.

From the outset, there are two main components that make the IRO standout: price and flexibility. The IRO is priced at $59, making it far and away one of the most affordable fitness trackers on the market. Even better, right now you can pre-order the IRO on their Indiegogo Campaign Page for $40. Beyond price, the IRO has several features that make it much more flexible than other fitness tracking products. The device is compatible, via USB and Bluetooth, with all of the major mobile operating systems, as well as Windows, Mac, and Linux. On top of that, the battery can go 12 days on one charge.

Iro comparison

In addition to these features, the IRO has some pretty unique components. The tracking functionality of the IRO operates in 100 hour cycles. During a given cycle, the IRO will display a color, corresponding to the number of calories you have burned. This feature incorporates a sort of game aspect into fitness:

Caloies burned

On top of that, the tracker comes with a simple, yet robust application to track your activity. While the market is pretty saturated, the IRO is a solid addition to the category. Its price, and the flexibility make it stand out. Below is a quick video showing the IRO in action. Head over to their Indiegogo Campaign to cash in on the discount.