
There are going to be tons of apps on display at this years One Spark. One that we are really looking forward to checking out is LINEVENT. Perhaps the best description of LINEVENT is that it is more-or-less a Groupon type platform for events. This seems like a great way to raise awareness, and market an event on the cheap.

Linevent in use

Rather than focusing on sales a la Groupon, however, LINEVENT focuses on awareness. Traditionally, when promoting an event, “venues rely on social media, flyers, word of mouth, and maybe radio ads.”1 LINEVENT provides a simple platform to promote events:

Instead of group purchasing, we use group awareness. Millennials need a way to find out about events so they know where to go. They are influenced by price when deciding, and persuaded by discounts and deals. Venues and promoters need a cheap efficient mobile presence for their growing millennial audience.

We’re a platform enabling venues and promoters to create successful promotional campaigns for their events. We want to help venues use their discounts effectively, increase their revenue, and lower their marketing costs.2

We are definitely looking forward to seeing the app in person. Below is a quick video showing LINEVENTin action:

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