Muber, OneSpark previewSometimes I don’t like to admit it but I am a huge fan of Jack Wills. I’ve been wearing Wills for the last few years and often get complimented on my fashion sense, but there’s one problem. Jack Wills isn’t a US brand, it’s a UK brand, and while they have a handful of US stores, none of them are even close to where I live outside of Atlanta.

Sure I pick up a shirt or two if I’m traveling somewhere that there is a Jack Wills store but more often than not I’m convincing friends who are traveling close to a Jack Wills store to go pick something up for me. So when my friends travel to Virginia, DC or Massachusetts I often send them with money in case they go by a Jack Wills store, and of course when I have a friend that takes an occasional trip to London, I’m all but begging them to pick something up for me.

Well, now it looks like I won’t have to bug my friends with my British clothing obsession thanks to Muber.

Muber just recently launched their new and exciting platform that matches people who want things from far away to travelers going to those places. It could be anything from a pair of shoes in Holland to a hat like Pharell’s from Los Angeles. With Muber you just sign up, say what you’re looking for and where it is, entice the traveller with a reward and they’ll get the item for you.

Now the first thing I thought when I heard about Muber is “how do I know the traveller isn’t just taking my money”. Well Muber encourages users to make friends with their traveller. But more importantly, Muber holds the money until the item is purchased or picked up.

Muber isn’t just about clothes, you can request anything legal for a traveller to pick up for you. Of course if the item is international you want to make sure that it’s approved by customs.

Muber is saving buyers costs on shipping and inconvenience while travellers are making a little extra money on the side, making a new friend, and maybe even discovering new products and stores that they would like.

Muber can be found at OneSpark from April 9-13th at the CSI Tech Village and online here and here.