SteveJobsI spent many a day and night writing about Andy Rubin during my thedroidguy days. Rubin was the brains and man behind Danger and the HipTop and then Google’s Android operating system. It’s been widely believed that Android was a derivative of the founders name.

Apple founder, the late Steve Jobs’ distaste for Google’s Android operating system has been noted over and over again. There have been quite a few parody videos made of Steve Jobs being critical of Android and there’s been plenty of documentation of meetings between Jobs and Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to discuss Android and how it “ripped off” iOS.

Apple has been in several lawsuits with rival Samsung over their Android devices. Samsung’s display and semiconductor divisions were at one time the largest supplier of parts for iPhones and iPads and Walter Isaacson’s biography on Steve Jobs chronicles trips that Jobs took to South Korea to foster the relationship between him and the family that runs Samsung.

BGR reported on Tuesday that Fred Vogelstein’s new book: “Dogfight: How Apple And Google Went To War and Started A Revolution” reveals that Jobs referred to Rubin as a “Big arrogant, f**k”. Voglestein also said that Jobs said Android was a “f**king ripoff of what we are doing”.

BGR postulates that had Jobs not been so adamantly against Android Google may have launched on a more “level playing field” and with how far Android has come today it could have actually surpassed iOS stranglehold on American consumers.
