twowayresumeThere’s a problem with the resources out there on the web already to help people who need jobs get jobs. LinkedIn seems to work just fine to connect to old colleagues the way you connect with old friends on Facebook. There are also several great platforms delivering beautiful resumes. There are also a bunch of websites that are great for sharing and storing your portfolio.

Florida based Two Way Resume is combining both to give you a reinvented resume and a supercharged portfolio. Naturally both the resume and the portfolio should compliment each other. We all know that’s not the case right now.

TwoWayResume-1Many companies have attempted to find a way to piggy back off LinkedIn to add a portfolio but the more outside links there are the less clicking that actually gets done.Two Way Resume makes it easy for the user to create and store their resume and their portfolio in the same spot, and with their own custom domain name. Now instead of find me at people can use 2Way Resume and direct them to an easy to remember, unique domain name. It’s kind of like using a custom domain name on or rebel mouse, but for your work.

TwoWayResume-2Two Way Resume has also added in a blogging component, which believe it or not, has helped people get jobs. Many job searchers have chronicled their job searching experience in an online blog. Prospective employers actually like to read those blogs to see what their potential new hires did with their down time, if they were vindictive of their last employer, or to what stretch their creativity goes.

Now, with all three important assets combined a job candidate has access to the three most useful tools for applicants in one good looking location.

You can checkout Two Way Resume here, and here and at The Jacksonville Landing April 9-13th during OneSpark.


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