
During our lead up coverage to the 2014 International CES, the one product I was most excited about seeing was the ZeroHour USB Battery Backup Flashlight. The product was on full display at CES, fresh off raising $108,077 on Kickstarter. The flashlight lived up to my expectation, and then some.

The ZeroHour team answered a few questions for us a few weeks before CES, and offered a great description of the device:

For our launch, we’ve developed an awesome waterproof tactical flashlight, integrated a powerful USB battery backup that can easily charge a mobile phone or a tablet several times, and made the device completely modular: you can easily change, replace, or upgrade components, including the lithium ion batteries, which are rarely removable on a USB device charger.

ZeroHour FlashlightI think the simplicity of the product is what drew me in. A flashlight with 10,200mAh of USB battery backup power, or enough power to charge an iPhone a whopping 7 times. Or you can remove the backup power source to give the flashlight a small amount of waterproof storage.

While there are similar products on the market, they seem mostly an afterthought; a way to use some surplus parts. The ZeroHour flashlight is hardly an afterthought. This thing is heavy duty. In fact at their booth, the ZeroHour team was showing off one of the flashlights that they ran over in a car. It was just about completely intact. A few scratches here and there, but 100% functional. Hell, combine the ZeroHour Flashlight with the Power Pot, and you are ready for the zombie apocalypse.

We had a chance to speak with ZeroHour Co-Founders Amy Truong and Aaron Son about the most badass flashlight on the market:

ZeroHour is taking orders and they are set to ship in March of 2014.
