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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Watzon.TV Up To 7000 Free Television Channels

Watzon.tv in it's simplest form is a Youtube, curated, content aggregator. Using their customized algorithm's and interface video viewers can use Watzon.tv through their computers, iPhones, tablets, Android devices and Google Chromecast, to find highly specific curated content via Youtube, like for instance a Beyonce channel with pure nonstop Beyonce clips all day long. Watzon.tv [...]

By |Apps|0 Comments

Amazon Is Working on Streaming Music Too

We just told you that iTunes Radio as a standalone app is about to make the music streaming space more crowded. Well according to the Wall Street Journal, it is about to get even more crowded. According to the report, Amazon, "is hoping to offer an on-demand music-streaming service to customers of its Amazon Prime program, but it may limit how much a person can listen to any given song, according to people familiar with the matter."

Google Facing Legal Trouble Over Children’s In-App Purchases

You may remember the trouble Apple had gotten into for in-app purchases made by kids who weren't "authorized" to access the iTunes App Store. The trouble began a few years back for Apple. The company started getting refund requests and complaints from parents, some who's kids had racked up thousands of dollars in charges playing [...]

This Years One Spark Ups Private Investment Opportunities to $3.25M

This year, Khan's STACHE Corp has partnered with six more investment firms - Arsenal Venture Partners, Florida Blue, Healthbox, PS27 Ventures and UE Investors - to up the total private investment opportunity to $3.35 million at this years One Spark

Kids Can Learn About The Digestive System With New App [EdTech]

I remember learning about bones in school The foot bone's connected to the leg bone The leg bone's connected to the knee bone You remember the song. Like many, apps and the internet in the classroom were still decades away. Technology in school included Apple IIc's, film strip projectors and record players that weighed 80 [...]

Appsbar recognizes Free Your Music as the appsbar.com App of the Day

Innovative app built with DIY app builder allows users to manage music on mobile platforms. Free Your Music has earned appsbar.com’s App of the Day award for showcasing how innovative developers can utilize the no-cost app builder at appsbar.com to develop, design, and distribute custom apps. The Free Your Music app is optimized for both [...]

By |Everything Else|0 Comments

Women Are Dominating Social Media [Infographic]

The graphic, titled "Why Women Are The Real Power Behind Social Media," provides some pretty interesting data. Alex told us that they dug through the Pew Research Center and Burst Media archives, and found some really distinct patterns.

Why Apple is Turing iTunes Radio into a Standalone App

As it become more and more clear that streaming services will win out, it makes a lot of sense for Apple to launch iTunes Radio as a standalone product. It seems that the streaming space will be getting more competitive in the coming months and years. Samsung just announced their own streaming service, Samsung Milk, Beats Music just launched, and Pandora and iHeartRadio are not going anywhere anytime soon.

By |Apple, Editors' Picks|0 Comments

Woovent: Fixing Facebook Events

There are tons of applications built on top of Facebook, most of which are games or some sort of contact organizer. However, we recently came across a new app that is built to provide a more seamless and intuitive event organizer. Woovent provides a much needed update to Facebook Events.

By |Apps, Interviews|0 Comments

Girlstart: Empowering Girls to Excel in Math, Science and Technology

We saw an awful lot at SXSW, but one of our favorites had to be Girlstart. The Austin-based nonprofits' mission is to empower girls in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). They go about this mission in a variety of different ways: The Girlstart After school program; Girlstart Summer Camp; the STEM Saturday workshops; Community Science Extravaganzas; [...]

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