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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Chanukah Is Just Around The Corner: Get Caught Up On Our Holiday Gift Guide

With Chanukah running simultaneously with Thanksgiving this year, the holiday gift guide season is just 3 weeks away for some.  We will be posting almost daily Holiday Gift Guide suggestions right up until Christmas eve weekend. If you've missed the ones we've posted this far here's a recap of some great tech related holiday gift [...]

Facebook Moving Back Home, Sort Of

Everyone knows that Facebook, the world's biggest social network began at Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts. We also know to well the story of Boston investment firms missing out on a company that could have made them billions of dollars. It's been widely noted that at least Boston VC giant Battery Ventures was at least [...]

Xbox Could Be Dead If Elop Gets The CEO Nod

First off this is not a joke and it is a very realistic possibility that the Xbox One could be the last of the Microsoft gaming consoles.  Many reliable sources, including Bloomberg, are reporting that Stephen Elop is a front runner for the CEO position at Microsoft. Before running Nokia into the ground Elop was [...]

Holiday Gift Guide: It’s Finally Here A Portable Charger For Your MacBook

I am a portable power monster. Anyone who has seen me at a technology event like CES or SXSW knows that I'm the goto guy for a phone charge. When I'm on the road with a long event I'm never short 100,000mah of charging power for my phones and iPad. I could be stranded in [...]

Outrageously Large 20″ Tablet Coming To U.S. In January For Just $6000

If the 10" iPad, or any of the 10" Android tablets aren't enough for you, or if these new tablets from Samsung aren't enough for you, Panasonic has a tablet that might just be right up your alley. Panasonic first revealed their 20" 4K Toughpad tablet at the International CES back in January. The table [...]

If You’ve Got 12 Minutes, Microsoft Has A Tour Of The New Xbox One

The next two weeks are certainly going to be hot for video game enthusiasts. The two biggest players in the console gaming ware are releasing new systems in time for the 2013 holiday shopping season. While both the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 have had updated versions released over the years it's been 7 [...]

AT&T Ramps Up Veteran Hiring

AT&T is looking to put more veterans to work. The nation's second largest wireless carrier has set a goal of hiring 10,000 veterans and their family members of the next five years. AT&T is hoping to draw on the technical expertise of veterans who are segueing back to civilian life for IT roles, with a [...]

By |Mobile, News|1 Comment

Holiday Gift Guide: Tired Of Bad USB Charges, Check Out The Practical Meter

Power Practical, the company behind the Power Pot has started selling a device that people who use a lot of USB charging products will find incredibly useful. So many people who own smartphones, tablets and other USB charging devices typically leave the device on the charger overnight or for the same amount of time every [...]

Spin: The Video Chat Re-imagined in Human Fidelity

Spin is a new, and incredibly unique Human Fidelity - née video-chat - iOS application, three years in the making. Spin is more of an evolution away from the traditional video chat, moving beyond Skype and G+ Hangouts

New Mobile App Rewards Students For Helping Each Other With Homework

Education has evolved a lot over the last few years. Things have definitely changed since I graduated from High School 11 years ago. But one thing remains the same and that is, homework. Of course when I was in high school I had a leg up over my parents because it least we had AOL [...]

By |Apps, Education|0 Comments