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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Why Twitter Is So Hot On Wall Street And The Naysayers Are Wrong

Yesterday just after Twitter's debut on Wall Street a good friend of mine tweeted and updated her Facebook status that she wasn't going to buy Twitter because it didn't have a profit. She couldn't be more wrong. Now we're not going to talk about making big tech bets and trying to make a quick buck [...]

Would You Tattoo A Wireless Mic On Your Neck, Motorola Thinks You Would

From the, this sounds insanely ridiculous but they're really trying to do it category: Motorola has filed a patent at the US Patent and Trademark office for "Coupling an electronic skin tattoo to a mobile connection device".   If you're curious about how this would work, Motorola (now mind you they are now owned by [...]

Star Wars Episode VII Opens December 18, 2015

Technerds everywhere rejoice. Disney didn't just buy Star Wars to put Darth Vader, C3P0 and R2D2 in Disney Land. They said they were going to continue the epic saga and they are delivering. Disney officially announced today that shooting for Star Wars Episode VII will begin in the spring of 2014 at Pinewood Studios and [...]

Twitter Explodes Out Of The Gate

Today was the day that everyone was waiting for. Twitter debuted on Wall Street today but not on the Nasdaq as other big companies, like rival Facebook, have but rather on the New York Stock Exchange, Some say that Twitter went with the NYSE because of the trouble Facebook had immediately following their IPO. With [...]

Where’s My Happy Meal Toy? McDonalds Giving Away Books And E-Books

During the month of October fast food giant McDonald's gave away their signature candy buckets with their Happy Meals. This year boys received Star Wars buckets while girls received Monster High buckets. Aside from the fatty foods, which McDonald's is trying to supplement with smaller amounts of french fries and bags of apples, there's no [...]

By |Health, News|0 Comments

1GB Fiber Internet Headed To Mississippi

For some it may be hard to stomach that the latest "statewide" 1gbps internet rollout is coming to Mississippi. For others, it may not seem that odd because Chattanooga, in neighboring Tennessee, was actually the first city in the United States to get 1gb fiber. Contrary to popular believe, Chattanooga actually rolled their 1gb ethernet [...]

By |Editors' Picks, News|0 Comments

10 Holiday Tech Gift Ideas For Grandparents In An Infographic

The folks at FallAlert, a technology company targeting senior citizens with a Life Alert like device, has compiled a list of 10 great gift ideas for grandparents this holiday season. Then, they put the complete list into a pretty groovy infographic. The list ranges from FallAlert,of course, to the latest Kindle Fire and the newest [...]

PlaySation 3 Reaches 80 Million Sales As The World Awaits PlayStation 4

This holiday season video game consoles make a triumphant return. Sure last year we saw the Wii U but it floundered in comparison to what sales of a new Xbox and new PlayStation will likely do. The PS4 and the Xbox One have both been available for preorder from Amazon, Best Buy, Gamestop and other [...]

By |Editors' Picks, Gaming|1 Comment

Keep An Eye On Your Car And Your Home With New App From Viper

Viper has always been an innovator in automotive security. They were one of the first companies to offer a car alarm that alerted the owner on their key ring. They were also one of the first to integrate a mobile app into their automotive security system. Now the Vista California based company has become the [...]

By |Apps, News|0 Comments

Children Aren’t Digging Randi Zuckerberg’s Children’s Book

Some people believe that Randi Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg's sister, had it made. Mark had hired his sister to be the Director of Marketing for Facebook. That position gave her a cushy job at a skill she seems to be very good at, a high salary and plenty of stock options. But [...]