Body Drier Logo

We just came across an incredibly cool Indiegogo campaign: The Body Dryer. The Body Dryer is a replacement for the towel. Although that sounds a bit crazy, replacing the towel, this device looks like it could do just that:

body drier 1

Early Prototype of the Body Dryer

The Body Dryer looks remarkably similar to your standard scale – the latest version of the Body Dryer actually functions as a scale as well. The device works by pushing compressed ionized air upward at “strategic angles” to push water off of your body.

The idea behind the Body Dryer is to replace the bacteria filled towel drying experience:

At the Body Dryer, our goal is to help you have a refreshing bacteria free drying experience. Traditional drying options such as the towel demand a considerable amount of maintance and several of the same product.  We looked at the evolution of hand drying systems in bathrooms and saw a natural progression with body drying.1

After two years of working on the project, the Body Dryer team finally took to Indiegogo with the final plans:

Body Drier

As of writing, the Body Dryer has passed its funding goal of $50,000 with a grand total of $52,956 raised. There are 27 days left in the campaign. You can grab your own Body Dryer for a pledge of $150. For more info, check out the Body Dryer Indiegogo campaign. Here is a quick video showing the product in action: