Followmyvote, OneSpark, Polling AppFollowmyvote, the non partisan website that helps “the people” keep a pulse of what’s going on in politics is looking to create an app that they say will help hold politicians accountable. Followmyvote currently offers a variety of news, blogs and general information designed to help ordinary people keep up with what’s going on in politics around them.

FollowmyvoteFor instance, everyone knows that something is going on in the Ukraine. If you go to CNN or Fox News you’ll get some kind of opinion backed piece that, to a degree, takes sides with the story. Followmyvote offers up unbiased informative pieces like “Why Ukraine Is Falling Apart: What You Need To Know!”

“One of our main goals is to establish ourselves as a credible nonpartisan political news source by providing “We the People” with unbiased information that will help shape their view of the world and what’s going on within it.” the company says on their website.

Followmyvote also offers their own independent polling center to allow people to weigh in on current events in politics.

Followmyvote is currently working on the ultimate nonpartisan polling app. There are several polling apps out there now like YoPine and Bounceit, but with those apps they are quickly assessing an opinion of the user. By using technology like geolocation and combining it with a representatives district or location, Followmyvote will be able to measure how the people voted in a certain area against how their representative actually voted. If Followmyvote grows to the scale it needs to, then data procured from the app could actually be used as they intend it to, to ask why representatives didn’t vote inline with their constituents. This feedback loop could prove to be very important as politics moves to more and more publicly accepted technology.

You can learn more about FollowMyVote at OneSpark later this week at the CSI Tech Village and online here and here. 


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