Wolf Of Buzzfeed, Viral, BuzzfeedComedy troupe and viral video creation specialists Half Day Today were back at it again last week with a hilariously funny parody video. The target: Buzzfeed.

In their video the “Wolf of Buzzfeed”, the Half Day crew parodies both the Wolf of Wallstreet and internet phenomena Buzzfeed and it’s founder Jonah Peretti. The 2 minute video blasts buzzfeed for creating obnoxious lists that get everyone to click. They point out that Buzzfeed preys on the people of Facebook to quickly share their content because it’s amazingly relatable.

Wolfofbuzzfeed2Brad Woolf plays Jonah Hills character in Wolf of Wallstreet while Matthew Broussard plays Jonah Peretti the creator of Buzzfeed. Just watch it below.

1. In the opening scene you see just how great Woolf nails Jonah Hills character.

2. Because you like lists with cats and dogs

3. This countdown of 11 things isn’t going to make you feel old

4. There is not a picture of a talkboy in this countdown

5. Leo didn’t win any Oscars, maybe Broussard can?

6. You cringe when you find yourself clicking the link bait that is Buzzfeed but you can’t stop yourself, it’s like crack

7. You’ll go back and look at buzzfeed and see if they really don’t use even numbers in their titles

8. Because we even bothered to make a list

9. Jonah Peretti is laughing all the way to the bank with his $200 million