By all accounts, mobile devices are drastically rising in educational use. Schools are rapidly adopting some sort of mobile device or another for the classroom. While the numbers alone are pretty encouraging, it looks like the trend will continue, if not absolutely explode. The infographic below speaks to this growing trend.
71% of districts surveyed in 2014 reported that at least a quarter of their schools have adopted mobile technology, up from 60% in 2013. 67% of those with no mobile technology at present said they were very or somewhat likely to adopt it in the next 1-2 years. Further, there is a noticeable shift towards BYOD withing the school. 82%of school districts are highly interested in implementing or expanding a district-wide 1:1 mobile device solution within the next 2 years, if budgets allow.
Check out the infographic below for a deeper look at K-12’s “Mobile Moment.”

Via Amplify
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