CES Preview: Tablift Now Maybe You Can Use The iPad On The Couch

I've tested out several tablet lap desks, stands and contraptions designed to hold up a tablet and make it viewable and workable at the same time. I've specifically been looking for the perfect solution so that I can actually work on my iPad while relaxing on the couch. When I tried more traditional lap desks [...]

CES Preview: PowerTrek Fuel Cell, Cell Phone Charger

Two years ago at Mobile World Congress I first got a chance to see the PowerTrek Fuel Cell charger. Anyone that's read me for the past few years knows that not much is more important to me from a technology stand point than running out of power. I'm the crazy guy with over 50,000mah of [...]

CES Preview: Why is a Semiconductor Company Exhibiting at CES?

Why would a semiconductor company exhibit at the Consumer Electronics Show?  This question comes up whenever I tell friends and family that I will be working at CES in January. A semiconductor company makes chips that go inside different devices that no consumer ever will see, so why spend money to display at CES?  Although [...]

WWE Hosting Event At CES 2014

Hundreds of thousands of attendees, over 3,000 exhibitors and everyone who cares about technology will have all eyes on Las Vegas from January 5th through January 10th for the International CES. CES is the largest technology trade show, conference and convention in the western hemisphere. Over 10 years of coverage I've seen a lot. CES [...]

By |CES 2014, News|1 Comment

God, PR People Are Going To Love This: See You At CES 2014

This is my 10th year that I will be attending and working the biggest technology conference, convention and show on the western hemisphere, International CES 2014. I covered CES and Eureka Park last year after founding nibletz.com, the previous five years before that I covered CES after founding thedroidguy.com and the previous years before that [...]

Marissa Mayer To Keynote 2014 International CES

Since taking over as CEO of yahoo in July of 2012 Marissa Mayer has been turning heads in the tech community. She's re-focused Yahoo by bringing the site back to what it was known for, streamlining some operations and making bets on startups. Mayer stunned the tech community when she announced that she was pregnant [...]