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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

App Of The Day: Volcanology

Volcanology has earned appsbar.com’s App of the Day award as an example of how enthusiasts and hobbyists are able to take part in mobile outreach by utilizing the DIY app builder at appsbar.com. The mobile app serves as a gateway to information about five separate volcanic mountains with photos, information, links, and maps. The app is optimized for both iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

By |AppOfTheday, Apps|0 Comments

The Rise and Fall of $FB [Infographic]

We just came across this interesting infographic from Finance Degree Center. The infographic takes a very detailed look at the volatility of Facebook stock, and some of the factors behind said volatility. Think about it, FB stock has been as low as $17.73 a share, and as high as $57.96 a share. Further, at the time of Facebook's IPO, the company was valued in excess - perhaps overvalued - $104 billion.

Has Nintendo Lost Touch With It’s Base?

Nintendo is arguably the company that created the console gamer. Sure there was the Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, Pong, a Montgomery Ward system and other earlier generations of the gaming console, but the 8 bit original Nintendo Entertainment System was the first of the "first generation" household consoles. Now, analysts are afraid the Nintendo has lost [...]

By |Gaming, News|2 Comments

PGP Creator Phil Zimmerman Helps Create NSA Proof BlackPhone

Phil Zimmerman, an authority on privacy is the creator of PrettyGood Privacy (PGP) email encryption software. He is also the co-founder of SilentCircle a privacy and encryption firm. He has teamed up with the people at Geeksphone to produce the world's first NSA proof smartphone. The Blackphone is a customized Android smartphone that has the [...]

Wait! Apple’s Settlement With The FTC, And Those Itunes Charges My Kids Made

Apple recently settled with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) again, for charges to consumers iTunes accounts that stemmed from purchases that their kids may have made doing in app purchases. For the ease of the user, when you make an in-app purchase with Apple's iTunes app store on your iOS device it asks for your [...]

CES 2014 By The Numbers, In An Infographic

Two weeks ago the 2014 International CES was held in Las Vegas. Over 125,000 people clogged the streets, casinos and the convention center in Las Vegas to see anything and everything in technology. While CES isn't the place that most of the big tech companies launch the biggest products, (iPad, iPhone, Android etc didn't debut [...]

Bitcoinshop Is The Amazon Of Bitcoin [VIDEO]

During CES we got a chance to talk Bitcoin and e-commerce with Michael Handerhan, the founder and CEO of Bitcoinshop. As the name suggests, Bitcoinshop is an e-commerce site that specializes in just about everything one could need, and for your convenience they only take virtual currency Bitcoin. According to Handerhan, his site has taken [...]

Amzer Gets In The Connected Home Business

AMZER, the Houston based wireless accessories giant has expanded into the home automation and connected home arena. After years of innovation driven research and development the company unveiled their AMZERcontrol line. A family of wireless automated control solutions which enhance as well as ease the consumer's daily experiences and tasks. Both at home and work AMZERcontrol™ [...]

Windows 95 & 98 Architect Releases New iPhone Video App

Satoshi Nakajima may not be a name you recognize but he's one of the main architects behind Windows 95 and Windows 98. Of course most people remember those two versions of Windows as being the most popular for Microsoft (along with XP of course). Geekwire reports that after Nakajima left Microsoft he began working on [...]

By |Apps, Editors' Picks|0 Comments

Hanover Theater Has The Appsbar App Of The Day

Worcester, MA theater uses mobile platform to promote shows The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts in Worcester, MA is home to some of the finest theater-size concerts, plays, and speaking engagements in New England. The theater has placed its web site content on mobile platforms by utilizing the no-cost app builder at appsbar.com. The [...]

By |AppOfTheday, Apps|0 Comments