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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Hey Ya! Shake That Kit Kat Like A Polaroid Picture

In 1948 when Polaroid introduced the first instant camera, they were definitely on the cutting edge of technology. Through the companies over 75 years of existence they've actually been on the cutting edge of a lot of technologies. They released an instant video platform that didn't take off. They were also one of the first [...]

iPhone App, Blockify, Let’s Kids 3D Print Their Minecraft Creations

The return of Minecraft has been nothing less than monumental. 30 something gamers are returning to a favorite pastime, and a younger generation of players is finding Minecraft is nothing short of addicting. Minecraft has found a spot amongst the Doctor Who swag at every Hot Topic in the country. Minecraft toys are hot as [...]

The MOOC – Massive open online course – Landscape (Infographic)

MOOC's like Corsera, Khan Academy, Udacity, and edx are taking over the online educations space. As the largest of these MOOCs are free or nearly free for users, the Chronicle of Higher Education took a look at where the funding is coming from. The results are pretty astounding.

PS4 Owners Watch Way More Porn Than Xbox One Owners

According to an Ubergizmo report PS4 users are three times more likely to watch porn on their console than Xbox one users. While we have already heard about porn on other consoles, this time it is no mistake.

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2013 in Review: Most Active U.S. Regions for PE Investment

The Mid-Atlantic, South and West Coast were the three most active regions for private equity investing in 2013, according to PitchBook data, as of Dec. 16. The Mid-Atlantic and South received a disproportionate amount of capital from PE firms this year, thanks largely to the mega-buyouts of Dell and Heinz, while the West Coast had a dearth of billion-dollar deals.

Does Your Signal Suck, We Can Help With Wilson Electronics And Signal Wars

Smartphones, tablets, mifi devices and most people's entire world relies on a good signal. No matter what all four major US carriers say, there are still spots in every state, every city and every town where the cellular signal still sucks. It's 2014 and it's hard to believe that there are people sill out there [...]

Add Saving Lives to Facebook Use-Cases

Add saving lives to the ever-growing list of Facebook use-cases. A Kentucky woman, Susann Stacy, says that the social platform undoubtedly saved her life.

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Best Technology Innovations of 2013 (Infographic)

We just came across a really interesting infographic from Entrepreneur.com. The image lays out some of the best consumer electronics that were released in 2013. There are some noticeable omissions from the list, namely smart watches and other wearables. What do you think? Are these the top releases from 2013?

Randy Jackson & Keith Urban Launch Guitar Line for HSN

ACIEM Studios, an award-winning full-service audio and video production and post-production facility, announced in late December that they had produced the instructional DVD's for both Keith Urban's Urban Guitar Collection and the Randy Jackson Guitar Collection.[

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Techfaster Rewind: January 3, 2014

Having a busy week? Blizzard got you indoors just reading tech news? Well here's your Techfaster rewind recapping five of yesterday's tech stories. An Uber driver/partner in San Francisco was involved in an accident where a six year old girl died. Although he wasn't on an Uber ride at the time, is Uber stil liable? [...]

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