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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

The Party’s Over For Turntable.FM

A couple years back getting into Turntable.FM was a right of passage. Once you got into the music based social network you could provide the tunes to your friends that were in the room with you. It was a great way to share music and turned wannabes everywhere into mini-djs of sorts. It was really [...]

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Final Days: Steve Ballmer Was Out Pitching Microsoft

Typically CEO's don't have time to go out and make sales calls but for Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's outgoing CEO things are a bit different. It's undeniable that Microsoft isn't the giant that they used to be in the nineties, but don't misinterpret that to think they are at deaths door. So why was Ballmer, out [...]

Teens Leaving? Doesn’t Matter, According to Facebook Q3 Earnings

If indeed Facebook is losing their hold on the teen demographic, it is not reflected in the companies' third quarter 2013 earnings report. If, indeed they are leaving, it seems as though the exodus is making Facebook more profitable.

Moto X On T-Mobile & AT&T Getting Android 4.4 Kit Kat Now

Is this a signal that long waits for Android updates are a thing of the past? When the latest version of Android, version 4.4 Kit Kat, was officially announced alongside the Nexus 5, it was also revealed that Google wanted this version of Android to be able to go on a lot more devices than [...]

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Microsoft Crushes 1M Xbox One Sales In Less Than 24 Hours

We can't say it wasn't expected but by 5:00pm Eastern time on Friday reports started coming in that Microsoft had sold over 1 million Xbox One units since they went on sale at midnight. Sony had announced they sold 1 million PlayStation 4 units in their first day of sales as well. Their first day [...]

Better Late Than Never! Windows Phone Gets Instagram

It was just ten days ago that Windows Phone users got to experience Vine the breakthrough six second video app from Twitter. It took about 8 months to get released on the third major smartphone os. While 8 months may seem like a long wait, it fails in comparison to how long Windows Phone users [...]

Sprint’s cell phone coverage gets beaten up by Consumer Reports

With the mobile landscape constantly changing and consumer requests always becoming more demand the level of service required to keep consumers happy is at an all time high. Just last year Sprint ranked rather well in customer satisfaction on their network, but over the past year we have seen the competition rise with Verizon's huge [...]

Holiday Gift Guide: Turn Your Instagram’s Into iPhone and iPad Cases

Do you have hundreds of great photos in your Instagram account? Well Stickygram, a company that lets you turn your into a variety of different products, is now turning Instagrams into iPhone and iPad cases.  Known best for their original magnet packs, StickyGram is launching the new line of sleek cases just in time for [...]

SolidEnergy and The Key To Electric Vehicle (EV) Survival

SolidEnergy, yet another company born out of MIT, is making amazing strides in the battery industry that will drastically reduce the cost of electric vehicles (EVs). The company is clearly on the brink of revolutionizing the battery industry, and the awards and honors are beginning to pile up.

iPhone 6 to have a 4.9 inch display according to new reports

Many people have longed for a larger screen iPhone device for years, and while Apple did bump the screen size up in the iPhone 5 it just wasn't enough for many people. With Android devices growing so large many people think that the 3.5 and 4 inch displays are just too tiny and want something [...]