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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Holiday Gift Guide: Airbender Mini, Rugged Protection And Keyboard For Your iPad Mini

If you own an iPad big or mini, then you probably know you can get a rugged case like an Otterbox, Griffin Survivor Series or LifeProof and protect your tablet from nearly anything and everything. You also know that companies like Griffin and others make great keyboards for the same iPads. But until now you [...]

Roughy Toys Takes To Indiegogo To Bring One 2 One To The Toy Industry

Ever since Tom's shoes hit the retail market the concept of buying something to have the same thing given to someone in need has sparked a new interest in giving to people in need. It's perhaps the easiest way to donate anything, and manufacturers like Tom's make it super simple. If you're not familiar with [...]

8% Of US Adults Consume Their News On Twitter

Twitter has been in the news quite a bit themselves lately. The second largest social network in the world, launched in 2006, is preparing for the next billion dollar IPO, which could come as soon as later this month. The Pew Research Center, which has been tracking social and consumer data and trends for years, [...]

Holiday Gift Guide: Some Less Expensive Ideas from Bracketron

We've already begun compiling some of our favorite gifts for the upcoming holiday season. However, most of the products in our gift guide are priced well north of $100. We realize that you may not want to spend that much on a gift for your boss, or your neighbor, or your son-in-law. Thus, here are some cheaper, yet no less useful, gift ideas from Bracketron:

An 11 Year Old, Beer And Astronauts

Most stories about teenagers, much less tweens, that involve beer don't typically end well. The big American brewing companies, retailers, bars and restaurant associations spend tens of millions of dollars advertising that beer and alcohol are strictly for those 21 and up. So when we hear a good story, an innovative story about an 11 [...]

Blackberry Is Still A Thing? Heins Out, Company No Longer For Sale

It's been a long spiral downward ride for the people at Waterloo Canada based Blackberry. Some of us are old enough to remember when Blackberry was just as relevant, if not more relevant than the iPhone. Blackberry began the email on the go movement that we take as second nature now. Starting off as an [...]

Facebook Is For Moms, Teenagers Reveal

Friday we brought you the story "Yes Teenagers Are Leaving Facebook". During the company's third quarter results call Facebook CFO David Ebersam confirmed what many had been speculating for months that teenagers are leaving Facebook. In that story I brought up the fact that many teenagers are leaving Facebook because their parents are on it. [...]

The Latest Online Burn Book: Shesahomewrecker.com

When a marriage or a relationship breaks up over infidelity many people  immediately set their eyes on the ex. After a little while though the ex isn't at fault and it's the fault of the other woman, or the "home wrecker". As Theglobeandmail says "infidelity stings" and that's the roots behind the newest online burn [...]

By |Apps|2 Comments

Move Over Microchip This App Finds Your Pet With Facial Recognition

Police are using facial recognition to find the bad guys. Las Vegas uses facial recognition to find the whales. Facebook uses facial recognition to identify people in photos, and now a new app wants to use facial recognition to help you find your lost dog or cat. PIP "Positive Identification of Pet" uses facial recognition [...]

By |Apps, Editors' Picks|0 Comments

Pre-IPO Twitter In An Infographic

Twitter is the next big tech company to go public and it's doing so in a big way. It hasn't been since the Facebook IPO that the tech community has been so obsessed with a tech company's stock. One of the things that's driving all of the talk about Twitter's IPO is how secretive they [...]