Jebbit CMO Amelia Green-Vamos | The Innovators Interviews
Jebbit is a way for people to think of a new way to engage with online content, a performance based add network. A Cost Per Correct Answer ad network.
Jebbit is a way for people to think of a new way to engage with online content, a performance based add network. A Cost Per Correct Answer ad network.
"We’re [Azendoo] trying to build a very elegant platform to help you organize...What we have done in the last few weeks is, we have managed to bring every cloud into one place. Evernot, Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive." is a local neighborhood platform that connects neighbors & local businesses. CEO Sabira Arefin told us about some of the challenges of building a hyper-local social platform.
Bitcoin mining has become a hot topic as the value of the digital currency continues to fluctuate. Just what is bitcoin, and how do yo mine it? This video, created by Academic Earth, sheds light on the process.
Today, Expensify - software provider that makes, "expense reports that don't suck" - announced that they will now support Bitcoin (BTC) as a reimbursement option
"We are a really intuitive cloud based order management system that enables SMB’s to capture, track and process orders in good time...We really have two products - the cloud based hub, that’s really the order management product. We integrate into your e-commerce store on the front end. On the back end is where we integrate into your accounting system, your inventory, credit card processing, shipping, and CRM...the second product is an iPad app that allows you to capture orders, and show off your products in a real beautiful, elegant way."
“The Thread Mobile App is caller ID re-imagined. Not only does Thread show you who is calling, but it also displays the caller’s latest Facebook and Twitter posts and your most recent texts and emails with them, giving you greater context for the call.”
"Our goal is to have museums, libraries, publishers, whoever it is grapple with the intellectual and editorial questions. Not wonder about whether the Nexus 7 will be able to view this, or when iOS updates whats going to break. Those are the questions we want them to not have to think about all, because that's all we are thinking about every day."
"iExit is designed specifically designed for interstate exit travel...With some of these apps that will tell you points of interest around your radius, you can solve the problem that iExit was built to solve, it is just much, much harder. iExit provides you with extra convenience, and was designed to get you this information as quickly as possible."
“We [SpotHero] are a web and mobile base parking Reservation Company. We have the two platforms on the Android and the iPhone where you can reserve parking beforehand at a discounted rate…We are headquartered out of Chicago here but we have been able to expand out, right now we are currently serving parkers in Milwaukee. And also our newest one which is D.C”