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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Motorola Launches the Moto E, a $129 KitKat Device

On Tuesday, Motorola announced a new phone, the Moto E. While this was not the flagship device - dubbed the Moto X+1 - that had been speculated, this is a major announcement. We will get into the Moto E below, but Motorola made another significant announcement during the press event. The company also announced an [...]

Vocabla: A Different Approach to Language Learning [Interview]

           There is no shortage of language learning applications and software out there. The great majority of these apps, however, are more focused on intensive learning. It can be quite difficult to learn through the typical intensive approach. One company, Vocabula, thinks that learning a language is easier when approaching with a more systematic, [...]

Android Is For Poor People? And That’s Why It Will Win!

Back in April a report using device data aggregated from Twitter told a story that not many wanted to hear. Business Insider and others posulated that the chart proved that Android was for poor people, or rather more people than iPhone is for. Apple has for years, stayed within it's pricing structure basically since the [...]

EU May Be Paving The Way For A “Do Not Google Me” List

People are very concerned about privacy these days, but what about when it comes to information that Google gathers from it's crawlers across the web? Well the highest international court, the European Court of Justice, has ruled that people can ask Google to delete sensitive information from it's search results, making a landmark ruling in [...]

Square Tweaks Consumer Mobile Strategy With Square Order

After coming on the scene over three years ago to solve a very important problem in the mobile payment space, Square quickly looked for ways to get on the other side of the transaction. Square's easy to set up card reader and just as easy to setup account and app have empowered thousands of small [...]

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WEZEL: Funny Video, Great Product

So, I was browsing through /r/shutupandtakemymoney, and came across the WEZEL, The only reason I clicked through to the Kickstarter Page was because of the Reddit title:"Wezel- the funniest kickstarter video i've watched in a while." After watching the video, which is hilarious, the WEZEL wallet seems incredibly useful. To start, here is the video: [...]

iMoveCharger: External Battery that Charges with Your Movement

Years ago, I had a kinetic watch. The battery was charged from everyday, normal movements: waling, driving, writing. You never had to worry about replacing the battery. If it stopped, all you had to do was shake it around. Since then, I have always wondered why that same concept could not be used in larger [...]

New Gmail UI Images Leaked

The "Do no evil," slogan is contained in Google's guiding "Ten things we know to be true." Included in these ten things is number two, "It’s best to do one thing really, really well." Now this is not some sort of examination of Google philosophy, or some such thing, but rather a look at one [...]

IRO: A Standout, Affordable Addition to the Fitness Tracking Market

It is no secret that the health tracking/fitness wearable market is becoming extremely crowded. There are so many different offerings, it has become hard to differentiate between products. Further, almost all of the fitness trackers track the same metrics, in very similar fashions. It seems, then, that choosing the best fitness tracker comes down to [...]

Mailigen: An Alternate Email Marketing Service Provider

           There are a ton of email marketing solutions out there. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 5 right away. That said, there is not a whole lot of variety in the different services. They are all more of less, bland. Perhaps that is just the nature of [...]