Somebody Really Did Get Murdered Over A Playstation 4

Over the weekend at least 10 people sent us a story about a woman who stabbed three people to get the last Xbox One. Fortunately, that story was published on The Daily Currant, a satire site similar to The Onion. The story's intent was to highlight the ridiculousness that is Black Friday. Unfortunately, for 22 [...]

Apple’s iPad Mini With Retina Display Hard To Find This Holiday Season

When Apple announced the new iPad Air and the new iPad Mini with Retina Display earlier this year, Apple seamed poised for a great holiday season. They company had two new iPhone models and two new iPad models, something the holidays has never seen before in the past. Apple's iPad Air hit the street they [...]

By |Apple, Editors' Picks|0 Comments

PowerUp 3.0 – Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane

PowerUp 3.0, "turns your self-made paper airplane into a smartphone-controlled flying machine." Fold it, attache the engine, link it to your phone, and fly it.

Thanksgiving was Instagrams busiest day ever proving people love to take pictures of their food

For the second year in a row Instagram's busiest day came on Thanksgiving as people all over showed off their meal every step of the way. In addition to it being Thanksgiving this year the first full day of Hanukkah fell on the same day as well for the first time since 1888, and the pictures [...]

BillGuard aims to help you keep better track of charges on your credit cards — try out Premium features for free courtesy of TechFaster & BillGuard

Tracking when and where you are spending money is something that has become pretty important for many people, and while there are several services there is plenty of room for the services to grow. BillGuard is hoping to be the next service you sign up for to help manager your money, and to ensure they [...]

Shipping Made Easy With Shippo

Shippo has built an API that makes shipping easy and affordable for small businesses that are not eligible for bulk discounts. The Shippo team answered a few questions for us.

Amazon Joins The iPad Mocking Commercial Bandwagon

Amazon has decided to mock Apple's new iPad Air, and in a sense, Microsoft as well, with their latest commercial for the Amazon Kindle HDX. Many of our readers will remember last year's Windows Surface tablet commercial campaign. In that campaign, an iPad was compared with a Surface Pro tablet. The commercials mocked Apple's AI [...]

2013: Dear Santa Letters Now Include URLs

With all the technology out there today it's now possible to call Santa, leave a voicemail message for Santa, leave a video message for Santa, Facetime Santa and track Santa on Christmas Eve. It's kind of refreshing to know that their are kids still out there that put pen, or in this case crayon, to [...]

By |Editors' Picks, News|0 Comments

What’sApp Dethrones Facebook Messenger

Last year Facebook moved it's mobile messenger out of the Facbeook app to let it stand on alone. A few weeks ago, Facebook overhauled their mobile messaging app to help users streamline their messaging and allow users to incorporate non-Facebook users into the same messaging app. All of those changes weren't enough to get Facebook [...]

Women Can Be The Next Skrillex, Erin Barra Brings BeatzByGirls To Indiegogo

Electronic music has taken the world by storm. Weather you're a fan of Deadmau5, Skrillex, Baby Anne or take it old school with house music, more and more people are rocking out to th sounds that technology can make. While some are under the impression that Guitar Center sells some "make me an EDM star" [...]