Dan Gilbert Genius x2 Friday

Dan Gilbert Rap Genius While the sports world went into a frenzy on Friday morning when Lebron James announced his return to the Cleveland Cavaliers that wasn't the only big news for Cavaliers owner and tech investor Dan Gilbert. Right now Gilbert is in the spotlight for James' move back to his hometown team, a [...]

EdTech: LiveSchool: The Clip Chart Goes Digital And Fun

Liveschool EdTech There is no question that teachers and school administrators have a tall task. Shaping and molding young minds is hard work. Teaching is hard enough, but educators are often tasked with a ton of administrative and discipline work. The amount of time teachers spend doing non-teaching activities is mind blowing. Seeing this as [...]

Crazy 8s Math Club: A Fun, Engaging Take on Math Club for K-5

Crazy 8's Math Club Here at the annual National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) conference, we just came across a company that - this is something that we never thought we would say - has made math club pretty cool. When you think of math and math club, some of the very last words you think [...]

Every Active Person On Earth Should Have A GoGlove

There's a revolutionary product on Kickstarter right now and it's not Potato salad. Sure it's a stretch to claim anything is truly revolutionary but GoGlove fits that bill. Every active person on earth should have a GoGlove. Why, because it solves one of the most annoying problems in the world. Whether you're jogging, biking, skiing, [...]

GameTime: 6 Year Old Approved, Sustainable Playgrounds

Gametime Play This week, we are in Nashville, TN for the annual National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) conference. Much like ISTE, we brought along our 6 year old special correspondent Tatum F. Tatum is here to help us find the good stuff, that young kids like. One such thing is the GameTime play grounds. Needless [...]

Bike Technology For Kids

Do you remember the good ole day, where after rigorous training with your dad, mom, grandparents or an adult family friend you finally got to take the training wheels off your bike. It was no big deal if you fell off your bike and hit your head? In fact you wore your bruises, bumps and [...]

Field Day: The App For Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning App Field Day While we were at ISTE last week, we had a chance to check out a lot of great educational products and software. The sheer amount of educational products out there is pretty amazing. That said, the great majority of these products and software seem to offer the same experience [...]

What is The Outernet [infographic]

Outernet Infographic The infographic below has been making its way around Reddit and other sites lately. Though after some investigation, it looks shaky at best. Anyhow, we thought it was worth a share. The infographic is about the Outernet. The Outernet, according to the people behind the idea is pretty bold: Through satellite data broadcasting, [...]

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The Kajeet SmartSpot: Bridging the Digital Divide

Kajeet Smart Spot There is no doubt that the internet is a powerful tool for education. There are a huge amount of apps, tools, programs, and other resources available through the internet. However, a lack of access still presents a challenge to some school districts. There is one company, Kajeet, that wants to completely eliminate [...]

Cardberry The Coin For Loyalty Cards

Cardberry Loyalty Card When Coin was introduced it caught on like wild fire. If you're not familiar with Coin, it's the single card solution that stores all of your credit cards. This way you have one, safe, secure card for all of your credit cards providing you less risk of losing one of your important [...]