Oivo: The Lifesaving Backup Charger

Let's face it, there's nothing worse than your iPhone going dead. iPhones are a lifeline for half a billion people in the world. We use them to communicate with others, check email, keep up with online banking, play games, navigate, kill time and so much more. For more than a small amount of iPhone users, [...]

The Greatest Thing Since The T-Shirt Cannon

Years ago when NBA mascots including the coyote from the San Antonio Spurs, were looking for a way to get souvenirs to the upper deck, they turned to a spud cannon. The earliest t-shirt cannons weighed 90 pounds “It was like carrying a TV set on your back. The gun was probably at least four feet [...]

This Concussion Sensor Could Change The World Of Sports Forever

Concussions are one of the most dangerous aspects of organized sports at any level. Concussions can cause life altering brain injuries and can lead to problems like chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), the condition that's believed to have led to NFL veteran Junior Seau's 2012 suicide. The effects of concussions on the brain can last for years [...]

Buy A Poo Puck Or This Kid Will Never Live This Down

In case you were wondering today IS all about poop. Earlier today it was about this amazing toilet seat and now this; Meet Brayden Krause, the son of serial inventor Blane Krause. The Krause family seems to come up with some novel ideas like the Ready To Roll Bike Storage System and the Under Truck [...]

Toilet Seat Gets Rid Of The Odor

We've all been there, we've had a great meal that did a workover in our stomachs and now it's time for an embarrassing number two. You realize that you can't get out of your hosts house in time and you're going to have to do your duty in their bathroom. How are you going to [...]

Is This The End Of Tangled Earbuds?

Most everyone has a favorite pair of earbuds. Maybe it's the pair that came with your iPhone or Android phone, or maybe it's a pair of Beats or Bose, but unfortunately many earbuds see the same fate. That fate is, death by tangle. Many companies have tried to solve the tangled earbud problem. Some have [...]

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XiOne Could Be The Most Amazing Portable Radio In The World

Whether you're an amateur radio operator or a radio listening enthusiast, you probably know that software defined radios are the wave of the future. Software defined radios use software based algorithms to demodulate and decode radio signals making SDR the most flexible radio solution out there. The problem today is that most software defined radios [...]

Buoy Puts A New Spin On Distracted Driving Prevention

Distracted driving is a big deal. In 2012 421,000 people were injured as a result of distracted driving. The biggest distraction to a driver is a smartphone. You may be shocked to hear this but a 35 year old is just as likely to get into an accident because of distracted driving as a teenager. [...]

Open Up The Flood Gates The First CMYK 3D Printer Is Here

Surely we all know about the boom in 3D printing. We run a feature here at Techfaster called 3DFaster which highlights some of the trends in the exciting, and exploding 3D Printing Industry. Our good friends at 3DLT provide industry insight into the world of 3D printing. You probably see and hear about 3D printers [...]

This Personal Inventory App Will Help You Fight Boredom

British developer Richard Gayton knows that there are quite a few personal inventory apps out there. However, his app "Sort My Stuff" puts an entirely new spin on personal inventory making it fun and, in some cases curing boredom. Gayton started developing "Sort My Stuff" because he had a problem buying duplicate offline media. He [...]

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