The Wearable That Answers, How Are You, Meet Vidameter

We just came across an interesting new crowdfunding campaign. The VIDAMETER presents a new take on the health/fitness trackers. The smart band provides a much fuller picture than the current health/fitness wearables. As the fitness wearable market stands today, the majority of the products offer the detection of isolated vitality and fitness signs, so that [...]

Jawbone CEO, Hosain Rahman, On the Future of Wearables

TechCrunch Disrupt New York kicked off Monday. There were a ton of great sessions and talks yesterday. That said, the talk from Hosain Rahman, the founder and CEO of Jawbone really stood out, for a few different reasons. Rahman went through many different aspects of Jawbone, being a CEO and more broadly being an entrepreneur, as [...]

Use Your Gear To Find Paypal Locations & Pay

If you're hip enough to be walking down your city streets with a Samsung Galaxy Gear 2, Gear Neo or even Galaxy Gear, and you have a Paypal account, then you're in for a treat. Paypal is testing a new payment method on their campus that links together Bluetooth low energy beacons and Samsung Galaxy [...]

Wearable Technology In The Classroom [Infographic]

Wearable technology is taking over our world. Computers are getting smaller,sensors are getting better and byte sized computers are becoming the norm. Over the last two years wearable technology and the internet of things have taken over. We're seeing fitness trackers on anyone looking to lose a little weight, prepare for a marathon or train [...]

Panasonic Releases Incredibly Powerful, Odd Looking Wearable Camera

This odd looking thing is, " the world’s first 4K 25p wearable camcorder, HX-A500," from Panasonic.

Scottish Company Really Invents Cow Chips, Secures $4.9 Million

The internet of things is coming to everything under the sun. We've seen wristbands, watches, headbands, basketballs, and just about anything else you can think of when it comes to humans. We've also seen an onslaught of new "internet of things" devices for dogs. Dog trackers can let you know when your dog is awake, [...]

LG’s New Slap Stylus: Much More than A Bracelet

The slap stylus is - or rather will be - much more than a simple stylus. LG envisions this accessory to be a sort of short-distance wearable that can sync to a mobile device. More of a watch-lite if you will, lacking the top-level functionality of some of the higher end smartwatches.

Android Wear: Google Extends Android to Wearable Devices

On the heels of Monday's massive gaming announcement, Google just dropped another massive bomb on us. On Tuesday, the Mountain View company announced a new project: Android Wear. In Google's own words: "Today we’re announcing Android Wear, a project that extends Android to wearables. And we’re starting with the most familiar wearable—watches."[

Epson Combines Smart Glasses with Myo Armband for ‘Minority Report’ Effect

By combining both the Moverio BT-200 and the Myo armband, some incredible possibilities emerge. The release likened the combination to the film "Minority Report," which seems about right

Smarty Ring Update: 2nd Indiegogo Campaign

In our first look at the Smarty Ring, we noted that the campaign had raised $228,461 in pledges. Well the campaign blew past that number to raise a massive total of $299,349. However, there was such an outpouring of interest, the creators have just launched a second, 10-day Indiegogo campaign.