Talentoday: Modern-day Career Guidance

     There are so many people just drifting along in the day-to-day. So many that appear to lack a goal or motivation. Appear is the key word there. It is not so much that these people aren't motivate, it is more of a question of finding the motivation. Finding this motivation can be a serious [...]

StratX Simulations: Action-Based Learning Tools For Business Students

   You can have all the education in the World, but nothing beats hands-on, nitty gritty experience. It is so easy for students to get caught up in the day-to-day, studying for a test, or writing a paper, or completing other various assignments. When this happens, very little information is retained. Especially in the business and [...]

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Thinkgate: OnePlatform for Educators to Access All the Tools They Need

   There are a ton of resources out there for teachers and educators. A ton. Think about it, there is curriculum managment software; formative assessment software; instructional management tools; reporting management tools; instructional information systems (IIS); educator effectiveness and teacher evaluation software. These are just a few, the list goes on and on. These are [...]

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Whitepoint: Create and Share Virtual Tours

         There was a little while there when it looked like augmented reality was going to be the next big thing. However, it turned out that augmented reality had a very narrow range of use. Virtual tours, however, is a perfect use case for the technology. One company, Whitepoint, has built an incredibly useful platform. [...]

By |Education, Interviews|1 Comment

Movenote: Making Presentations more Fluid and Intuitive

           So no one really likes to give presentations. They are nerve-wracking, and lead to a lot of stress, at least in my experience. On top of the general anxiety that comes from giving a presentation, the software is somewhat clunky. The software has yet to catch up. This is especially evident in the classroom. For [...]

By |Education, Interviews|1 Comment

PlanetHS: An Extracurricular Program Management Platform

   It is hardly a secret that schools are a logistical nightmare. Scheduling is a nightmare, programs are constantly cut due to a lack of funding, it is hard to keep track of school activities and important dates, the list goes on. That is just the regular in-school hours problems. When you add in extracurricular activities like [...]

Gaggle: One of the Longest Standing Teaching and Learning Platforms

           There are a ton of educational software platforms out there, but none as mature as Gaggle. Gaggle launched in 1999 as a student email service. Today, Gaggle has expanded well beyond email, and now has products in just about every major component of education software. Currently, Gaggle is used in 15,000 schools in 57 countries, [...]

CrowdNotes: Lightweight, Clean, Intuitive Note Taking

   We have come across a ton of note taking apps recently. For the most part, however, they all seem to fall down in one area or another. They are either too bulky, or don't allow real-time collaboration, or actually cot money, or are difficult to navigate - we're looking at you Google Drive. However, CrowdNotes thinks [...]

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Vocabla: A Different Approach to Language Learning [Interview]

           There is no shortage of language learning applications and software out there. The great majority of these apps, however, are more focused on intensive learning. It can be quite difficult to learn through the typical intensive approach. One company, Vocabula, thinks that learning a language is easier when approaching with a more systematic, [...]

LeaderSend: Unlocking the Power of Transactional Emails [Interview]

     Transactional emails are not something that we think a lot about. You know, the emails you get after registering on a website, resetting your password, or when someone likes a post. You get these emails, and your done with them. For developers and websites, the only time you ever think about these emails is [...]