Maggie-GrimesAt the end of day 2 at the 2014 International CES the Techfaster team was headed out of the Venetian and literally bumped into the youngest exhibitor at CES. I noticed that this cute 7 year old girl had an exhibitor badge on, riding on the up escalator. In years past I’ve seen a few exhibitors who brought their kids to the show because they couldn’t get a sitter, but not Maggie.

Maggie is exhibiting her family’s app called Edulock at CES this year.

Edulock is a two fold app that was developed by Grimes’ father Patrick Grimes after Maggie’s older sister had failed a math test. Edulock is the marriage between education and parental controls on an Android powered smartphone or tablet.

Kids are given a bunch of math problems in a flash card style “drill” on their Android phone or tablet. For every problem they get right they earn time in their time bank to use their device to play the games installed on their device. Whether they like Temple Run, Angry Birds, Fruit Ninjja or any other game, with Edulock on their device they’re earning their time, and learning their math.

“Some of it is the fun with the technology, some of it is the competition, who can bank the most minutes kind of thing… it’s boosting those math skills for them…” Mandy Frost a teacher at Capital Christian School in Carson City Nevada told KTVN Channel 2.  The school has implemented Edulock as a way to help students with their math and then give them an easy to understand reward.

Patrick Grimes told us by phone that Maggie is intimately involved in the testing of the app. She also makes a great brand ambassador. At just 7 years old she explained the app in a way that we instantly understood what it does without a bunch of complex marketing jargon.

The software also gives parents a piece of mind that if their child is spending a lot of time on their device. They earned it.

Download Edulock here in the Google Play store. 
