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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Holiday Gift Guide: The ROCCAT Kone Pure Color Phantom White Mouse

ROCCAT is known around the world for their exceptional gaming accessories. They've created some awesome technology for gamers, like the ROCCAT Power-Grid app. Their Kone Pure Color mouse line now in it's fifth year is back again, this time in pure white. Like the original Kone Pure, the Color edition features a high-end 8,200 DPI [...]

Microsoft Comes In 1st And Second Black Friday

With the release of the Xbox One and the Playstation 4 last month we knew that the holidays would be all about console wars. It's been 8 and seven years respectively since new systems were released from Microsoft and Sony. Major upgrades in technology and a focal point on the living room are key factors [...]

By |Gaming, News|0 Comments

Holiday Gift Guide: Nikon’s D3200 Entry Level DSLR Packed With Features

Nikon has a wide variety of top tier DSLR cameras. Their new DF is definitely on my wish list, but what if you're ready to make the plunge from point and shoot to DSLR? What camera Nikon camera should you consider? The Nikon D3200 is a great camera for an active family memory keeper with [...]

Women Can Be The Next Skrillex, Erin Barra Brings BeatzByGirls To Indiegogo

Electronic music has taken the world by storm. Weather you're a fan of Deadmau5, Skrillex, Baby Anne or take it old school with house music, more and more people are rocking out to th sounds that technology can make. While some are under the impression that Guitar Center sells some "make me an EDM star" [...]

App Of The Day: Seedy Brothers

Appsbar is the free DIY solution for anyone who wants to go mobile. In 2013 mobile apps are as important as websites were at the beginning of the century. Everyone has a mobile app, and Appsbar makes sure you can too.  Appsbar makes it so easy to build an app and now you can even [...]

By |AppOfTheday, Apps|0 Comments

Auburn Student Gets Tuition Paid By Strangers With Bitcoin Sign During Iron Bowl

While most of the world was in shock at the 109 yard failed field goal return by Auburn cornerback Chris Davis, in accordance with NCAA rules he won't receive any money for his Iron Bowl performance. However, the student holding up the sign in the picture above used the Iron Bowl to make $25,000 via [...]

By |Editors' Picks, News|5 Comments

Kanye, The Next Steve Jobs? WTF

(photo: Facebook via Valleywag) If your new tech company was looking for investment money you probably wouldn't tell Zappos founder that his company sold "Sh*t Product". That is, unless you were Kanye West. West is notorious for his outspoken and erratic behavior. He's done many many, controversial things to hype his image. If [...]

Apple Stores Are Red Today For World AIDS Day

If you notice the white light up Apple logos are red today, it's not because of the holidays and it's for today only. Why you ask? Because today is World AIDS day. Apple is a big supporter of World AIDS Day, a day intended to help educate people globally about AIDS. Last year the company [...]

Facebook Ripping Off Timehop?

Timehop is a nifty little app that lets you travel back in time through your social media, up to five years. Everyday your Timehop account aggregates all of your social postings from previous years so you can look back and see what you were doing that date, every year up to the last five. The [...]

Artist Takes App And Tesla Inspired Works To The Crowd

Brian Yetzer, a Philly based artist and digital designer, recently became inspired by the works, and wonderous brain of Nikola Tesla. He explains on his Indiegogo page that Nikola Lonchar from the Tesla Science Foundation in Philadelphia introduced him to the world of NIkola Tesla just three short years ago.Since that time, Yetzer has used [...]