Run Safety Is A Safer Personal Safety Device Everyone Should Check OutDo

Personal safety devices are nothing new. Pepper spray has been around for decades and there are a ton of personal safety devices either tied into apps, or cell phone cases. Run Safety, while not in the direct "tech" category, is a personal safety device currently on the market that makes incredible sense. It's actually hard [...]

Yubixi The Personal Interest Network, User Created, User Controlled [VIDEO]

Interests are an important part of a person's personal make up. But so often one of the hardest questions to answer for somebody is "what do you like to do". At OneSpark on Saturday I spent some time with Scott Hooks the founder of Yubixi, the Personal, Interest network, and watched as he asked hundreds [...]

Verti Is Your Social Lost And Found And More

The internet of things explosion continued at OneSpark. We saw several different creator projects that would fit into the wide net of "internet of things". One of those things was Miami based company Verti Labs and their Verti Bluetooth finder. There are several other Bluetooth finders around today. You can find some on the market [...]

Finalists for Tech 10K Jury Prize and Top Vote Recievers

This year at One Spark, in addition to the popular crowd vote, there is a $10,000 juror awarded prize for the top creator in each category. Today, the jurors narrowed down each category to 3 finalists. The three finalists in the technology category are, in no particular order: Flip Our Class: Here is what we wrote [...]

Go Up To 20MPH on the Bat-Bike Electric Bicycle [One Spark]

Just the other day, we saw the Marbel electric skateboard. Today we had a chance to check out the Bat-Bike electric bicycle. The Bat-Bike comes from maker of the Bat-Caddy line of electric golf bag caddys. I have to say, I am getting pretty excited about all of these electric powered personal vehicles. Anyhow, here [...]

Has Local Ticket Sales Found The Secret Sauce To The Event App?

One of the One Spark Creators that we were really looking forward to checking out was Local Ticket Sales. Local Ticket Sales is a marketplace for, you guessed it, event tickets. This alone is not all that groundbreaking, there are countless event websites and apps out there. However, the approach that Local Ticket Sales is [...]

Join The Effort: Philanthropic Social Network for Good

Another One Spark Creator that we have been looking forward to speaking with was Join The Effort. Join The Effort is a non-profit, "philanthropic social network." Join The Effort began as a sort-of recruitment tool for charitable and other organizations to recruit volunteers. However, as the platform began to grow and rapidly expand in both [...]

ArtStarter: Changing the Way Art is Funded [One Spark]

As more and more crowdfunding platforms are popping up almost daily, it is hard to find any new or unique approaches. However, ArtStarter really stands out for several reasons. It is only fitting that we came across a really inventive crowdfunding platform at the 'World's First Crowdfunding Festival.' ArtStarter, as the name gives away, is [...]

Flip Our Class: Updating Education, One Micro-Grant at a Time

Of all the education initiatives that were on display at the #EdSpark venue during One Spark, Flip Our Class was one of our favorites. Flip Our Class was actually one of our favorite creators from whole One Spark festival. Flip Our Class is a quasi-crowdfunding platform. The crowdfunding moniker may be a misleading though. Flip [...]

Bycle: Badass App/Product Combo to Record and Track Rides [One Spark]

We told you a little bit about Bycle a few days ago, but the company was pretty secretive in the run up to One Spark. On Thursday, however, we got a chance to see the real, final product. It did not disappoint. Put quite simply, Bycle is both a mount to attach your smartphone to [...]