inFamous: Second Son gets a million pre-orders, stoking the fires of the console wars.

Before I go on I just want to say I do not go to the church of Sony, nor do I read from the book of Microsoft - I am console agnostic and I believe that both have their merits and I subscribe to the 'why not both?' way of thinking especially now in this [...]

Lupo: Key-tracker With A Smart Bluetooth Remote Controller

The Lupo is a multi-function Bluetooth 4.0 key tracker device, with the major addition of a programmable button to allow control of other Bluetooth applications (e.g. smartphone cameras and presentations), supported by an SDK to allow software developers to build their own apps on the platform, including gesture-controlled apps.

Samsung Galaxy S5 And Gear 2 Get Pricing From AT&T

The Samsung Galaxy S5 made it's first appearance in Barcelona last month during Mobile World Congress. The annual flagship Android device is always one of the most sought after in the Spring. AT&T announced on Thursday the pricing and availability of the Galaxy S5 along with the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo and [...]

Gizmag Opens Up A Candy Store For Tech Geeks

Not many tech websites will write about the efforts of another, really, I think that unwritten rule is pretty stupid, especially when something really cool is going on. Well our friends at Gizmag have been testing e-commerce for quite a while and this week they've finally unveiled The Gizmag Store. While ThinkGeek is great for [...]

LG’s New Slap Stylus: Much More than A Bracelet

The slap stylus is - or rather will be - much more than a simple stylus. LG envisions this accessory to be a sort of short-distance wearable that can sync to a mobile device. More of a watch-lite if you will, lacking the top-level functionality of some of the higher end smartwatches.

Sony’s “Project Morpheus” Virtual Reality Headset Announced At GDC 2014.

Rumors have been floating around the interwebs for a while now that Sony has been developing a virtual reality headset similar to the popular Oculus Rift. At GDC 2014 Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide President, Shu Yoshida confirmed this with "Project Morpheus" a headset with 90 degree field of view and 1080p resolution. The Oculus Rift [...]

3D at Retail: A License to Engage

You got a license for that thing? That phrase could soon take on a new meaning. Instead of referring to certain types of things, it may apply to nearly every…thing. The state of licensing in 3D printing today is in equal parts wild west and gold rush. But, managed correctly, 3D print licensing could create [...]

Android Wear: Google Extends Android to Wearable Devices

On the heels of Monday's massive gaming announcement, Google just dropped another massive bomb on us. On Tuesday, the Mountain View company announced a new project: Android Wear. In Google's own words: "Today we’re announcing Android Wear, a project that extends Android to wearables. And we’re starting with the most familiar wearable—watches."[

Epson Combines Smart Glasses with Myo Armband for ‘Minority Report’ Effect

By combining both the Moverio BT-200 and the Myo armband, some incredible possibilities emerge. The release likened the combination to the film "Minority Report," which seems about right

Microsoft’s Xbox One To Go On Sale In 26 New Countries In September.

Today the boys in Redmond announced they will be taking their black box to 26 countries including the home of their biggest rival, the Sony PlayStation 4. Historically speaking Microsoft's gaming consoles have never done well in the land of the rising sun (The Wii U overtook the Xbox 360 in overall units sold in [...]