Google Play Music officially lands on Google Glass

Google has just released an official version of Google Play Music for Google Glass. Previously there was a leaked build of the application that users could load and use, but being as it was unofficial it came with some bugs included. The official version is available currently on the MyGlass page as a free download [...]

Move Over Delivery Drones, The Robots Are Coming And They’re Being Led By Andy Rubin

If you  think you've heard the name Andy Rubin before, you probably have. He's the engineer that created the HipTop for his company Danger. The HipTop was Rubin's earliest version of how he saw a smartphone. It did quite well for T-mobile and was eventually acquired by Microsoft. Rubin's career path led him to Google [...]

Find Your Representative With Google’s Newest Service: Map Your Representative

The internet is putting politics back into the hands of Americans. There are several startups out there that are helping US citizens get more politically active. There are even some startups out there that are doing exactly what Google's newest service is doing, and that is, locate their representatives. TheVerge reported on Tuesday that Google [...]

Google adds a Voice Search extension to Google Chrome

As though navigating to Google's home page and then typing out what you were looking for was a terribly difficult task, Google has gone ahead and made it even easier to use. Google has added the "OK, Google" hotword detection to their own Chrome browser via a very easy and free extension. Currently Google offers [...]

Holiday Gift Guide: 3 Alternatives to Cable

It is pretty shocking how many reliable alternative there really are to cable and satellite TV. However, the Roku 3 and Chromecast really stand out.

Google is now inviting developers to purchase Google Glass

While it is still in a "beta" form Google Glass has certainly gained a bunch of attention, but unfortunately getting your hands on a pair of your own is not just as simple as walking into a store and buying a pair. Google first introduced sales of Google Glass back at Google I/O 2012 and [...]

Google’s Eric Schmidt Releases Guide To Leaving iPhone For Android

(photo: K. Sandler) While Eric Schmidt was the CEO of Google, he made a few key appearances during the early rise of Android. He was on hand at the Motorola Droid and Droid X release on Verizon Wireless. He keynoted Mobile World Congress talking about Android and he was an overall cheerleader for [...]

Is This Google’s Answer For Google Reader?

When Google sunset their RSS reader, Google Reader, many people didn't know what to do. Luckily for me I found that Digg's new RSS component was actually much better than Google Reader. Shortly after the announcement that they were shutting down the Google Reader service the company acquired news reader startup Wavii for around $30 [...]

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Google Wallet puts a physical card in your pocket

Google may not have been able to get their NFC based Google Wallet off the ground due to carrier restrictions and plenty of other obstacles, but that hasn't stopped them. Instead of keeping Google Wallet as solely an on device application Google has branched it out and they are now offering Google Wallet cards, a [...]

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Google Responds To California Man Who’s Slain Son Appears On Google Maps

(photo: San Jose Mercury News)   It appears that Google meant no ill will when a satellite image of a San Francisco area street showed an image of a man's slain son. The Associated Press reported on Monday that Jose Barrera told KTVU-TV that he wanted Google to remove a satellite image from [...]