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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

HealthTap Is An App Like Siri For Health Careta

HealthTap a Paolo Alto health information company already has an app on the market providing basic health care information to users. The current version has a network of 50,000 doctors where users can ask questions and get information. On Wednesday the firm launched a new improved version of that app which will offer an almost [...]

By |Apps|0 Comments

Holiday Gift Guide: Never Lose Your Luggage Again With TrakDot

If you travel by air and have ever experienced the frustration of losing your luggage, you know how time consuming, disruptive and worrysome that can be. In can be hours or even days to get your luggage back and airlines aren't taking care of passengers who've lost their luggage quite as well as they did [...]

SHOCKER! Android Seeing 25% More Downloads Than The iOS App Store

It's no secret in mere units Android is far outpacing the iPhone, simply because there are more units to choose from and the point of entry is much lower, in some cases free. Apple tried to compete on the cheap side with the iPhone 5C but when push came to shove there wasn't much value [...]

The Week in Venture Funding: Oct. 25 – Nov. 1

Starting today, every Friday we will be taking a quick look at the week that was in venture funding. Enjoy!

Reactr A New App From Virginia Beach’s EyePinch Inc, Let’s You See Reactions To Photos You Send

Is your BFF getting sick of seeing hot and heavy pictures of you and your new beau? They aren't going to tell you that to your face so you continue to send more and more pics to her phone. You wouldn't know if she's gagging when she sees them, sticking her tongue out or giving [...]

By |Apps|3 Comments

Google Getting Closer To Glass Launch? Accessory Store Opens

Internet giant Google is being tight lipped about when they are launching their Google Glass wearable device to the general public. Google Glass has been available to their earliest beta "explorers" for the last 18 months. Those people that signed up to get in on glass early paid a premium of $1500 to get their [...]

By |Gadgets & Tech|0 Comments

Wait Not All Amazon Reviewers Are Regular Customers?

I must admit I'm an amazon-aholic I absolutely love Amazon, sending the $70 a year on Amazon Prime is probably the single best technology investment I've ever made. My family regular watches movies via Amazon thanks to Prime and I never pay a shipping charge on the products I order. To top that off they [...]

By |Editors' Picks|1 Comment

Zepp Labs Launches GolfSense 3 With SwingScore Just In Time For The Holidays

Zepp is the industry leader in wearable technology for golfers. Their GolfSense sensor and app package is now in it's third iteration expanding upon the foundation that they've made with novice, amateur, semi pro and pro golfers. Their patented lightweight sensor attaches to the golfer's glove and keeps track of all the important data points [...]

Yes Teenagers Are Leaving Facebook

 Three months ago during Facebook's Q2 earnings call CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg assured investors that they didn't have a problem with youth and teenagers. During their Q3 earnings call earlier this week Facebook CFO David Ebersam admitted that the social networking giant is in fact losing teenagers. In July Zuckerberg told investors and reporters: "There [...]

Holiday Gift Guide: Swann Bubble Bomber RC Helicopter

Thinking about a radio controlled helicopter for that kid, or adult on your list that acts like a kid? Before you get sucked into the mall kiosk, flying helicopters from Victoria's Secret to Buckle, you may want to have a look at the latest RC copter from the people at Swann Security. Swann's a trusted [...]