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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

You Have Your iOS App What’s Next? [INFOGRAPHIC]

You've known for a while that your business needed a mobile presence. You've taken the first step and had an iOS app created so what's next. Apps can be a costly process, especially when you go with an actual app development company rather than trying to use a do-it-yourself platform. With your remaining mobile budget [...]

TechTips: 5 Tips To Find An Angel Investor

So you're starting a tech company. The first thing you're going to need is money right? Well right now there are millions of other people int he same boat as you. Everyone is looking for money. Thankfully there is more than one source for money for your great tech company. There's crowdfunding, venture capital, revenue [...]

By |Investing, Tips|1 Comment

Google Turning To YouTube For Next Music Innovation?

Google has been struggling to catch up with Apple's iTunes service. Since it's debut in January of 2001 iTunes has turned the music industry on it's head and they've responded giving iTunes the advantage of being the goto music service for most American's with a computer. Other music services have tried to catch up with [...]

By |Editors' Picks, News|0 Comments

Facebook Amps Up Messenger To Increase Mobile To Mobile

(image: techradar.com) Facebook continues to innovate in the mobile space. Last year, before the social network went for their IPO they heard a lot of concern from investors that their mobile presence wasn't up to par with the rest of the company. Since then they've continued to improve their mobile apps across all [...]

By |Apps, Mobile|0 Comments

The Less Visible Innovations: Harvest Automation and Agriculture

There are visible signs of industry-wide disruption all around us. Uber has replaced the taxi, Redbox has replaced Blockbuster, Netflix, Hulu and others have replaced cable, Amazon has replaced the mall, and a whole host of other examples come to mind. However, some of the greatest advancements and innovations are going wholly unnoticed. Consider the case of Harvest Automation, and the $300B agriculture industry as a whole

95 Million American’s Are Using Mobile Phones As A Health Tool

The rise of mobile that we've seen over the past few years is reminiscent of the computer boom in the 1980's. As more and more households became computer owners people began turning to the computer for more and more. Then, in the 90's when the Internet started to catch on the trend shifted again.  Even [...]

GDC About To Embark On First Ever App Developer’s Conference

If you're hardcore into tech and gaming or a game developer than you are more than familiar with GDC or the Game Developer's Conference. Unlike conventions like E3 GDC brings the best game developers from across the country and around the world together to share ideas, hear great speakers, learn and see the next generation [...]

By |Apps, Developers, Events|0 Comments

Tablet And Smartphone Revenue Bigger Than The Entire Consumer Electronics Market

That headline takes a minute to settle. BI Intelligence reported on Monday that research firm IHS recently compared the history of the combined smartphone and tablet market against the rest of the consumer electronics market (CE). Consumer Electronics encompasses digital cameras, home appliances, audio and video equipment, televisions and video game consoles. Tablets and Smartphones [...]

Pimp 3.0 Brandon Wade Is Back With The Carrot Dating App

If you think you've heard the name Brandon Wade before you probably have. He's the man behind a few high profile websites that borderline on legalized prostitution with the common theme being giving money or gifts for "companionship". Seekingarrangement.com and Whatsyourprice.com are two of Wades earlier and successful web businesses. They both center around sugar [...]

Austin Developer Launches Next Gen Service Bidding App, ServaBid

I'm definitely smart when it comes to some things. I can rebuild engines. I know the best spots to take pictures on Venice Beach. I know a thing or two about developing for Android and most things I can figure out. But there are other things that people think are simple, that I just don't [...]

By |Apps, Innovation|0 Comments