How’s Your Lung Function, Sandpiper I.S. Can Tell You

App Spirometer Sandpiper I.S Whether you're an athlete, musician, asthmatic or just like keeping up with your health there are several devices out there that can do that. Most devices cater to your heart, your pulse, and your activity. That's great! But there's no device out there now that helps you keep up with your [...]

Freewavz Listen To Your Music, Track Your Fitness With The Same Device

Fitness Monitor Headphones Freewavz Fitness, music and now tracking your fitness go hand in hand. That typically take multiple devices, your earbuds or headphones and some kind of fitness tracking band. Now, thanks a new device called Freewavz merges the headphones and the fitness tracking into one. On any given Sunday there are hundreds of [...]

Swim Without The Sharks With ORCA

ORCA Shark Deterrent If you love snorkeling, scuba diving or just playing in the ocean then the thought of a shark attack may have crossed your mind. It seems every summer we hear about more and more people either being attacked by sharks or having near misses. Shark's are beautiful and magnificent creatures, from a [...]

Every Active Person On Earth Should Have A GoGlove

There's a revolutionary product on Kickstarter right now and it's not Potato salad. Sure it's a stretch to claim anything is truly revolutionary but GoGlove fits that bill. Every active person on earth should have a GoGlove. Why, because it solves one of the most annoying problems in the world. Whether you're jogging, biking, skiing, [...]

Bike Technology For Kids

Do you remember the good ole day, where after rigorous training with your dad, mom, grandparents or an adult family friend you finally got to take the training wheels off your bike. It was no big deal if you fell off your bike and hit your head? In fact you wore your bruises, bumps and [...]

Monolyth: Nest For Your Wall Or Window Unit AC

Nest For Window Units Monolyth A couple moths back we told you about the Sensibo, a device that turned any A/C unit into a smart unit. Today, however, we came across a similar product: Monolyth. The Monolyth was built by Entia, a Slovenian company that has already built a bunch of different smart home products. We had [...]

Cardberry The Coin For Loyalty Cards

Cardberry Loyalty Card When Coin was introduced it caught on like wild fire. If you're not familiar with Coin, it's the single card solution that stores all of your credit cards. This way you have one, safe, secure card for all of your credit cards providing you less risk of losing one of your important [...]

Funderbuilt Offers Fixed Rate Fees With New Crowdfunding Portal

Funderbuilt Crowdfunding Crowfdunging is exploding not just in the United States but across the globe. Even a man making potato salad has raised tens of thousands of dollars on crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Many people have challenged the potato salad kickstarter project but Kickstarter is not complaining, it's within their terms of service and the more [...]

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SNIPE: The Safe Way To Shoot Your iPad

iPad Darts SNIPE Darts Are you a 30 year old with an arsenal of nerf guns in your house that make the neighbor kids drool? Have you been mesmerized by first person shooters since the age of Doom? Do you play laser tag, paintball and love to go to the shooting range? Well you may [...]

Classrooms, Boardrooms, White Boards, Meet Rocket Board

Stream Whiteboard Rocketboard July 7, 2014 Rocketboard is one of the most amazing apps I've seen, like ever. It's perfect for classrooms, board rooms and everywhere that there's a whiteboard. As a startup founder, entrepreneur and tech journalist my best work typically starts out on a whiteboard. My schedule is managed on a whiteboard, tasks [...]