Big Things Do Come In Small Packages: The Lambert Small Wonder Audio System

    It is no secret that we are huge fans of crowdfunding. In fact, that is probably our most used category. Anyhow, we just came across a unique new Indiegogo Campaign: Headphone Amp and Audio System, by the Lambert Company. It is unique for a number of reasons, all of which we will get to below, [...]

      This Smart Water Heater Technology Could Save You Money

      Aquanta Smart Water Heater When you go away for a couple of weeks on vacation do you ever think to turn your water heater off? That little step could actually save you some bucks the next time you go on vacation. If no one is going to be taking hot showers, washing dishes or washing [...]

        WUF The World’s Smartest Dog Collar?

        Wuf, the new smart dog collar that claims to be the "world's smartest dog collar" is now available for preorder via Kickstarter. As a dog lover and a gadget lover I needed to dive in and see what it was that made the folks at Wuf believe they had the world's smartest dog collar. The [...]

          Meet SoGo Mini The World’s First Customizable Bluetooth Speaker

          Bluetooth speakers are a dime a dozen. I suspect when we head to Las Vegas in January for the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show, I'll personally come home with 50 different Bluetooth Speakers. But really, most of them are the same. When it comes to Bluetooth speakers most of them have the same shape, the [...]

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            QuickLock Is The Simple Access System That Fits Your Lifestyle

            Bluetooth and NFC have brought new life to the boring lock. The boring padlock and the boring entry lock have been rejuvenated thanks to technology, however many companies that have tackled the task of innovating the access space have failed. They've made their products too clunky, too bulky, and too hard to use. Don't believe [...]

              Create Your Own Internet Of Things With BITalino (r)evolution

              By now you've heard about the explosion that is the "internet of things" this can include the latest in sensorware, app infused household technologies and the ever so popular wearables. You're probably thinking that it could cost millions of dollars to create your own perfect "internet of things" device. Well you're wrong. It's only $99. [...]

                Imp: A New, Open-Source Computer

                If you take a quick glance through the technology sections on both Kickstarter and Indiegogo, you'll see a ton of innovative, cutting edge projects and products. However, you will see very few new takes on older products. However, we just came across one such product: the Imp Computer. While, yes, the absence of new takes [...]

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                  Free Yourself From Wires & Bluetoothify Your Headphones With BTunes

                  Most high end headphones, aka Beats, top models from Sony, SOL, Sennheiser and many more, connect from the headphones to the audio producing device via a detachable cord. For the past decade or so, headphone manufacturers have found it valuable to save their customers from having to replace expensive headphones just because the wire snapped. [...]

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                    Water Hero: Control Your Water System From Anywhere

                    As we have noted, there are countless examples of "smart" things out there. A majority of these smart things, however slight a majority, are arbitrary. There are, however, some smart devices with some serious world-changing  implications. One such device is the Water Hero Smart Leak Detection System: Though water damage and leaking pipes may not [...]

                      Lumera: Make Your Camera Smart

                         As everything in the World, or so it seems, is getting smarter, a few things have been slow to catch up. One such product is cameras. Modern cameras are upgrading their technology at an almost exponential scale. However, there are a few areas in which they lag behind. The one aspect that sticks out [...]