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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Netflix Planning Price Hike

The cost of creating blockbuster television like House Of Cards and Orange Is The New Black is starting to prove costly for the pay for streaming service, Netflix. Although the company hasn't pegged a date just yet, they have said that sometime this quarter they plan on increasing the price of their monthly subscription rate [...]

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Postybell Brings New Meaning To The Words “You’ve Got Mail”

"You've Got Mail" is the iconic phrase performed by voice over actor Elwood Edwards in 1989. The phrase was used to let AOL users know that they have new email in their email box. Edwards also performed the trademark "Welcome" that millions of AOL users heard as they signed onto the company's dial up service. [...]

Technology Executives Have Big Showing In 2014 NBA Playoffs

The NBA Playoffs are officially underway with many second games of the first round already played by the time this story posts. Regardless of what team you absolutely love it's a good possibility at the end of the playoffs we may see the same championship pairing as last year. My team is the Robert Pera [...]

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3D Faster: Are You Experienced?

Have you ever been experienced? I have. Lyrics from that Jimi Hendrix song make for a great introduction. Not the kind of experience you get working in an industry for years or even decades, though that’s important. In this article I’m primarily talking about the shopper’s experience. Not the online user experience, though again, that [...]

4 Out Of 5 Dentists Are Going To Love Grush

Shocker! Getting kids to brush their teeth is a challenge. If you're the parent of a school aged child, like myself, we know that getting kids to brush their teeth can be a challenge. At the same time, if you can get your kids into the habit of brushing their teeth early, they'll stay hooked. [...]

Skateboard Wheel Printer: Leave a Mark While You Skate

Andrew Wolson (above left) presented one of the most interesting Creator Projects that we saw at One Spark. Andrew's project, "Skateboard wheel printer," is still in its infancy, as far a becoming an actual product. However, Andrew told us that he has had the idea in the back of his mind for 3+ years. Andrew [...]

LyricFind Inks Big Deal With Universal Music Publishing Group

Thanks to the invention of smartphones, computers and websites, people don't often have to guess what the lyrics are to their favorite songs on the radio. One quick Google search and you can find the words to just about every song ever published. The problem is those lyrics come back from a variety of websites. [...]

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The Meteoric Rise of MOOCs [Infographic]

In just under six years, the term MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) has gone from a vague, abstract idea to becoming, "the academic buzzword du jour."Chris Parr,Times Higher Education, "Mooc creators criticise courses’ lack of creativity," 17 October 2013 In just the past few years, MOOCs have exploded. Companies like Coursera, EdX, Udemy, Khan Academy and countless others, paved [...]

Microsoft to Allow Developers to Respond to App Reviews

Microsoft, during the //build/ conference, "announced that the option would be available for developers to respond to reviews."Bernardo Zamora, Official Windows Blog, "Respond to App Reviews: a phased rollout," 17 April 2014 While the original announcement set May, loosely, as the beginning of this program, the company just announced that they will begin rolling out [...]

By |Microsoft, News|0 Comments

Like The World Cup, Facebook May Have Just Sold Your Profile Soul

Shocker! Facebook has to make money, and of course they want to continue to make lots of it so they can make more $19b and $2b dollar acquisitions. Part of that making money is marketing Facebook users, of course that includes me and you. Now I may be a little different I'm actually enjoying Facebook's [...]