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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 Headed To Verizon Wireless

When you push the riff raff aside, including Michael Bay's legendary onstage meltdown, Samsung announced a lot of great products at the 2014 International CES. In fact, their Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 was featured on many of the shuttle buses cruising through Las Vegas during CES earlier this month. The 12.2 take on Samsung's Phablet [...]

By |Mobile, News, Samsung|0 Comments

T-Mobile Showing That Breaking Up Is Easy To Do, And An Epic Video

What started as a gentle ribbing from T-Mobile's CEO John Legere to AT&T, ended up with AT&T offering to buy people out of their T-Mobile contracts. T-Mobile saw a huge opportunity in that and decided that they were going to help people break their contracts. But this time it wasn't just AT&T customers. In T-Mobile's [...]

This iPad Projector Is Only $157

As people have started to go totally mobile for their work, including their presentations, companies have been rushing to market with new projectors that will connect to your smartphone or tablet. Most of the projectors are the size of the palm of your hand or no bigger than an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy S4. While [...]

Target Heist Mastermind, 17 Year Old Russian

The Target data heist, that occurred from Thanksgiving weekend until the second week in December is now up to over 110 million customer records. More and more is being revealed about the heist, now being called the biggest retail data heist of all time. It's been reported that the malware gained access to all of [...]

By |Editors' Picks, News|0 Comments

Driveclub Delayed Will Miss Japan’s PS4 Launch

With Gran Turismo still waiting in the wings for the PS4, Driveclub, the social racing title promising big time social interaction has been upgraded to "most anticipated" status. Driveclub was originally rumored to be a US launch title, with those reports dating all the way back to February of last year. Evolution Studios already missed [...]

By |Gaming, News|0 Comments

Neptune Pine: The First True Smartwatch, Quick Walk Through Video

Some of this year's smartwatches are great. The Pebble, The Galaxy Gear and The Toq do exactly what they say they will do. They're great for notification management, keeping up with the time and in some instances apps and fitness. But with all of the smartwatch talk this year, people have been craving more. Many [...]

Sprint’s Getting Closer To Buying T-Mobile

If internet reports are true, Sprint is inching closer to being able to purchase T-Mobile USA from Deutsche Telekom. The third largest US carrier (Sprint) has reportedly had the intention of purchasing the fourth largest US carrier (T-Mobile) for the past six months or so. Reports surfaced on Wednesday saying that Sprint and SoftBank have [...]

Cadbury’s Very Odd Wearable Tech

Cadbury, yes the chocolate company with the clucking bunnies, has had the most peculiar piece of wearable tech created as part of their Joyville campaign. Now in America we typically think of Cadbury one time a year, and that's Easter time. Of course now that it's January and we're still months away from Easter we're [...]

Sacramento Kings To Accept Bitcoin

(photo: USAToday/Gannet) The Sacramento Kings have been struggling to stay right where they are, in the state capital of California. They're one of four NBA teams in the state, amongst the LA Lakers, LA Clippers and Golden State Warriors. In fact they are only 90 minutes away from the Warriors, which of course [...]

EnerPlex: Solar and Battery Powered Smartphone Cases

The Surfr case comes equipped with a 1400 mAh battery, which nearly doubles the size of your battery. There is also a pretty interesting feature, a .36 watt integrated solar panel. The solar panel is more of an emergency feature than a realistic way to charge your device.