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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

Gresso launches a new titanium smartphone for the low price of $2000

Happen to have $2,000 laying around for an Android device that runs an outdated version of Android? If you answered yes look no further than Gresso's newest smartphone. Carved out of a single plate of titanium each device takes Gresso 13 hours to produce. 9 hours of the time is spent for the initial assembly, [...]

Playstation 4 Still Leading Over Xbox One

Now with both next gen systems on US store shelves for over a month the picture may be coming a little clearer. All of the early indicators showed that PS4 was beating Xbox One. Most surveys suggested the PS4 was more sought after and early sales reports showed PS4 clearly in the lead. Early tech [...]

CES Preview: Samsung to Unveil World’s Largest (105″) Curved UHD TV

In what looks to be one of the cooler debuts at CES 2014, Samsung announced that they will be unveiling the, "The world’s first, largest and most curved 105-inch Curved UHD TV." Just to put that in perspective, 105 inches is equal to 8 ft, 9 inches, or just 2 inches smaller than the tallest person in history.

Why Google App Translation Matters and Why Android Apps Will Win the App Store War

Last month Google announced that it was opening up its translation service to all Android developers enabling them to offer their apps to any customer in any language from third-party service providers. This is a big deal in the app store wars. Here’s why… More than seventy-percent of customers prefer to buy products in their [...]

Really Samsung, This Is The Next Big Thing?

Two years ago when Samsung went to the mainstream they wowed the world with their "Next Big Thing" campaign. Many will remember the commercials they used for the Samsung Galaxy S2 and original Samsung Galaxy Note smartphones. These ads mocked Apple fan boys who would line up days in advance of the latest release of [...]

Mizzou Tigers Have An Oprah Moment When Given iPads As Cotton Bowl Gift

The Auburn Tigers ruined Mizzou's chances of playing for the 2013 BCS Championship which just happens to fall 3 hours away from CES in Pasadena California on January 6th (War Eagle). However the other tigers (Mizzou) still get a chance to play in a post season bowl game. The 8th ranked Missouri Tigers will take [...]

By |Apple, Editors' Picks|0 Comments

Booze Brands And Apps Will Make For A Good Holiday Season

Transportation apps are catching on like wildfire. Hailo, Taxi Magic, and Uber have become household names in the markets they serve. Uber has been front and center with some great promotions, delivering everything from cats, to Christmas trees to ice cream. They've equally made headlines by price gauging, something that Uber CEO Travis Kalanick rigorously [...]

By |Apps, Editors' Picks, News|0 Comments

The Current State of Mobile Photography (Infographic)

As smartphone cameras seem to be getting exponentially better, what has become of the camera? There is certainly still a market for high-end DSLR cameras, but the point-and-click digital cameras have almost become extinct

By |Infographics, Photo|1 Comment

App Of The Day: WCAMC

Mobile app serves as touchpoint for scholar-athletes and Aggie fans   WCAMC has earned the appsbar.com App of the Day honor as an example of how clubs and organizations can participate in mobile outreach regardless of technological expertise or the absence of IT budgets. WCAMC is the mobile presence for the Williamson County A&M Club, [...]

By |AppOfTheday, Apps|0 Comments

Samsung unveils the Galaxy Grand 2 and Core Advance

Samsung has announced two more Android devices as 2013 comes to an end. Coming in with two lower to mid range devices Samsung has announced the Galaxy Grand 2 and the Core Advance, both devices that replace models that are less than a year old. Samsung has created a habit lately of releasing updated versions [...]