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So far TechFaster has created 2228 blog entries.

2014 International CES Is Going To Be All About 3D Printing, Starring Makerbot’s Bre Pettis

In 2009 when Makerbot was just coming out people thought Bre Pettis was crazy. "No one is going to print plastic stuff at home". There was a certain novelty to the toys the company printed at TechCrunch Disrupt New York that spring, but visionaries clearly saw the future. In the ensuing four years the 3D [...]

Become A Counterfeit Spotting Vigilante With New Mobile App

Accidentally buying a counterfeit product sucks. Now most people who live by the old adage that "if it seems to good to be true, it probably is" then you may not have accidentally purchased a counterfeit iPad or pair of True Religion jeans. Or maybe you did, because counterfeiters are getting really good. With that [...]

By |Apps, Editors' Picks|0 Comments

The Education Revolution Will Happen Online (Infographic)

The internet is continuing to transform the education landscape. No longer are students physically bound to a university or institution. The build up was slow, but online education is in the exponential, hockey stick phase of growth.

Appnation V Is Less Than Two Weeks Away, Techfaster Has Your FREE Tickets

The world of Apps is exploding. It seems these days that everyone has an app and if they don't they want one. But where do you go after that initial idea? How do you take your app from the basement to the board room? Where can you learn the ins and outs of the app [...]

The Llama’s Ass Has Been Kicked: WinAmp Finally Bites The Bullet

For many of us, our first experience with downloading music online included Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning's Napster. Once you downloaded whatever it was you wanted from the file sharing service you probably used Winamp to play those MP3's because it really "whipped the llama's ass". The line about the llama was the audio file [...]

By |Editors' Picks, News|0 Comments

Holiday Gift Guide: Personalize Your iPhone Case With Griffin’s Online Case Creator

If you think you've seen a lot of phone cases, just wait until we get back from CES in two months. In the meantime though, if you haven't found the ideal case for your iPhone you may want to create a case of your own. Griffin Technologies is going to let you do that. On [...]

Is This Google’s Answer For Google Reader?

When Google sunset their RSS reader, Google Reader, many people didn't know what to do. Luckily for me I found that Digg's new RSS component was actually much better than Google Reader. Shortly after the announcement that they were shutting down the Google Reader service the company acquired news reader startup Wavii for around $30 [...]

By |Apps, Google|0 Comments

Verizon Opening Big Box Stores

If you live in a major city or a high traffic area and  you're a Verizon customer those days of being packed into your local Verizon Wireless store like a pack of sardines could be over. Verizon Wireless announced on Tuesday that they intend to build out several big box lifestyle stores over the next [...]

Google Wallet puts a physical card in your pocket

Google may not have been able to get their NFC based Google Wallet off the ground due to carrier restrictions and plenty of other obstacles, but that hasn't stopped them. Instead of keeping Google Wallet as solely an on device application Google has branched it out and they are now offering Google Wallet cards, a [...]

By |Google|0 Comments

Hyundai Expected To Release A Car In 2014 With 300 Mile Range

The Los Angeles International Auto Show is this week and the word on the street is hydrogen according to ExtremeTech. Hyundai announced plans on Wednesday to introduce a new hydrogen fuel cell powered Tuscon in 2014. While it may sound dangerous at first, Hyundai told reporters that unlike gasoline and other fuels that spill onto [...]